Yesterday, we wrote about Africom’s new VoIP service called Guroo (prounced guru). As usual, a company usually have their own story about what a product is and how it will impact the market. One thing we note in the release sent to us this morning is that Africom is presenting itself as a Guroo reseller as opposed to the owners of the company and brand. From a source at the company, we’re told Guroo is part of the Africom holding company and doesn’t fall under existing operations.
Here’s the release:
Zimbabwe is set to enjoy more value in voice services with the latest introduction of a new voice application named guroo.The application is set to change the way Zimbabweans communicate thereby complimenting other telecommunications operators in Zimbabwe. Guroo is a voice service application that is internet powered.
It allows people to call at unbelievable rates and to receive calls from anywhere in the world thus the application is set to really change the game.unlike any other application you have seen before, guru allows you to have your own 08644 number and calls are not limited to other guroo users but to anyone on any number in the world.
How to get on Guroo
Guroo is an African originated cross platform Voice service that can run on most operating systems. All you need is a smart phone, I-pad, laptop or other related devices and you are good to go. Being on guroo allows you to call anywhere in the world from as little as 6 cents per minute as it reduces traffic to a local call.
- No Sim card is needed, simply download the app and all you need is internet connection.
- You are independent of any network operator of your choice. You have the liberty to choose any network of your choice.
- It reduces African traffic to a local call.
- Accessed through smart phones, i-pads, laptops and other related devices.
Guroo can be accessed by anyone with the following devices:
- Smart phone
- I-pad
- Laptop
- Or any other related devices.
Important steps to use Guroo
- Visit the or search guroo on google play.
- Download the app suitable for your platform from the Guroo website( i.e. i-phone or android as guided by the icons on the website)
- Install configurations as given on our website for your application. Clearly follow the registration instructions as given on the website.
- Or download Bria for iPhone users, Buzz3 or Sipdroid for Android users, and X-Lite for Windows and MAC OS users.
How to to up
Topping up guroo is as easy as 1.2.3
- Purchase credit from one of our dealers on website and enjoy the cheapest calls across all networks.
- Enter the recharge pin you will receive from our self service portal.
Visit for more information or call 08644 400.
Africom is the local reseller for the guroo application. Africom is Zimbabwe’s leading converged telecommunications operator in Zimbabwe.
People will be greatly disappointed when they try to use this
service. Its a paid VOIP system that requires users to actually buy
In that case why not use free options like Skype or
Viber and get good quality calls with video and a global presence and
also available on multiple platforms.
I don’t get it, maybe I’m missing something
You are right. Skype allows you to call any network for a little fee, and free skype to skype. So why use an app which charges you all the way. I wonder maybe we both missing something
with skype u are not able to call an Econet/ telecel/other operators for 12c a minute. You need skype credit which is expensive
Muri madofo mese, you run your mouth 1st thats the problem… Iwewe ita zve skype, if you dont take the time to study the trends then you are always going to be asking questions like “maybe we are missing something”.
the truth of the matter is that you believe too much of what folks want you to believe. do your own read up, nxca. anaporongi!!
For your own info I am a skype user and it is a good service #afro. I am not saying we should not use the guru at all. I actually think it is a great achievement and innovative to make home grown solutions, so really I dont understand your utterances
and then..?
why in the world would one opt for such a service when skype is actually free?
Chakadhakwa chinhu ichi, the whole process of trying to get set up is actually quite a nightmare let alone being so not user friendly like everything else Africom has to offer!!!
“WHY would anyone such a service?” you ask…
1. I have my family in the USA, UK, SA who have access to consistent bandwidth that allows for such Voip services.
2. They can download the app, register there number (or if need be I can do it from my end)
3. They can call me at rates of 12c/min on my Telecel line
4. I do not need to be logged on by my desk (for Skype calls)
5. It is NOT affordable for them to call me from Skype or any of their other network providers (see image)
6. If I have an Africom sim/line/number they/we can call each other for 6c/min!!!
That is the reason why this is a win!!! (well for those who have relatives in diaspora) from USA to Econet is $0.07. Calling Skype to Skype is actually $0/min so you don’t really need this Guro-o thing. There is a way to make VoIP money, this is just not the right one.
Pathetic market research, pathetic product development, pathetic results. Broadacom, BrodaVoice, Reserve you number…if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately @Itai that website you have posted to is WORSE than Skype!!! I have attached an image as proof.
Yes calling Skype-Skype (like what most VoIP services do) is FREE, but as my comment states above, for those that are here in Zimbabwe, who have not access to stable internet, or have NOT the right type of handsets (read dumb or feature phones).
I still believe that it can fly if they target those in diaspora and NOT here in Zimbabwe.
Itai, where are you getting your facts. The link you provided is sayign the total opposite of what you’re saying. Calling Econet is about 47c. Don’t just rush to criticise before you have your facts right.
I¤cy=USD actually. Point is 12c/min is not the cheapest rate…Google it.
itai is confined to wats installed on the computer yekubasa, muregererei..
the product was lauched in ZIMBABWE for us to primarily benefit from the international rates. How many of you family members are on skype on-the-go? Your drift is way off-course bruh…
Fly or Die?…….Die!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn….Skype, Viber… anyone?
wit this product u can call jack or jill who is not on skype ,who is using a nokia 5110 on an econet or telecel line, only u (the caller need to be on a smart phone or device….unlike viber and skype were both parties need to be on them for free calls
Yes it is a project they stole from some dude in Bulawayo called Robert Ndlovu I am 100% certain I am suprised why he hasnt posted anything .
Ha ha ha, you must try a hand at comedy
hahaha… Im curious, what YOUR definition of stealing??
Laughing all the way to the bank 🙂
“Guroo can be accessed by anyone with the following devices:
Smart phone
Or any other related devices.”
“iPad” is not a product category.
As in coca cola for all soft drinks and colgate for all toothpaste kinda thinking, and its from some PR department, Pidigu dhii nekuseka
iPad is not given as a category but as a device example.
i registered yesterday morning. Now its 3Pm next day i still havent received the email and the sms to verify. HAs anyone actually received these and used this service??
Can I also get the credit for Guro-o pa EcoCash irinani for me when getting airtime yeAfricom
Eh I think you mean
I signed up for the service & configured my preferred VOIP client. I bought a $5 voucher using Paypal & never got the PIN via email (as promised). The “Contact Us” link on the website is a dead-end, so I emailed the payments email out of desperation.
So anyone who’s tempted to buy the airtime via Paypal, don’t do it! Consider yourself warned.
isnt this Zim’s First Voip Service?? why so much criticism. i think its a great concept!
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help. I’m trying to get guroo working on my phone and I am not getting the verification code. what should I do