Econet, a skinned Opera Mini, and preaching to the choir

opera-miniOk, Econet. When you skinned Opera a month or so ago we thought, well, yah, quite late but good all the same too keep your brand very visible on the most used browser on feature phones. Plus opera does help make keep data costs under control for the operator, so yes, good move. Then you mentioned it in an ad and we thought, well, it did need some mention of sorts. A mention or 2 maybe. But then you started going on and on about it, doing videos and all!

This’ all been done already; the skinning by operators as well as your subscribers using Opera Mini. The browsers is so popular already you’re essentially preaching to the choir on this one. Something to go to town about would maybe be you introducing “Free Facebook browsing on Opera Mini every Tuesday”, or “Free night browsing on Opera Mini” or even just you telling people your internet is cheaper than your nemesis‘.

But we’re not marketers, so maybe preaching to the choir is just what keeps their faith strong.


15 responses

  1. Kingnerdy Avatar

    Econet to give FREE what? Joking right

    1. Geeknerdy Avatar

      Joke of the year. These Econet guys are good at doing rediculous things.

      I am happy they are now INSPIRED by TECECEL to add value… My hope is that soon, Portraz will allow more competitive players in the Telecomms market

      1. Farai Sairai Avatar

        No freebies at Econet. Just bigger bills. BTW, I say introduce number porting!

        1. Mhof Avatar

          I hope someone does this pretty soon!!

      2. tinm@n Avatar

        Their goal is to squeeze as much in profits as they can.

        Econet Wireless…

        Inspired to RIP YOUR World

        (credit- fiend)

  2. Muti Avatar

    Econet has done it again, coping Telecel. lol

    1. Geeknerdy Avatar

      Yeah!!! And they wont forget the waffling

  3. Time Avatar

    People better be careful with these brandeed browsers…I had a branded MTN Opera Mini and behind the scenes it was signing me upto useless premium charged sms services..ofcourse in Zim this happening may be rare but Econet is very creative at taking peoples money.

  4. Suspector Gadget Avatar
    Suspector Gadget

    Wow, my conspiracy sniffing capabilities have been really low these days, this has only just occurred to me! What if this sudden push for opera is just to hide a drop in the quality of their data network? I’ve been using opera since forever and have recently noticed a drop in performance (before the ad campaign). Maybe its just me but when even opera mini’s performance slows down something must up!

  5. Zaniest Avatar

    i love your writing style man

  6. ManX Avatar

    Tech Zim guys, bring us better reporting instead of being an extension of Telecel PR dpt. What do u have against Econet at every turn you are just attacking them. On the good they do u write something ill informed to make them look bad. Before just talking about giving back to subscribers look at what Econet has done to ensure socio economic balance in our country. These guys give 20% of their revenue not profit to better our communities, look at how many orphans (+40000) are going to school because of Econet, for doctors to be produced in Zim they funded a lot to the sustenance of the school of medicine at UZ, the list goes on. This is why the Lord keeps blessing them.

  7. […] co-branding deals with local mobile operators Econet and Telecel. The two mobile operators have both been marketing Opera mini as a cheaper way for subscribers to browse. Recently, Telecel […]

  8. […] website made the top ten, edging out Whatsapp and Perhaps this shows how their co-branding effort with Opera Mini has been paying off ahead of Telecel which actually led the way in that respect. It seems like […]

  9. […] website made the top ten, edging out Whatsapp and Perhaps this shows how their co-branding effort with Opera Mini has been paying off ahead of Telecel which actually led the way in that respect. It seems like […]

  10. […] has been in bed with Opera Mini before. Initially it was with a skinning of the Opera Mini browser that placed the Econet homepage as one of the bookmarks on the browser homepage, a move that Telecel pioneered back in 2012 […]