Zimbabwean telecoms, POTRAZ Q4 2020 data consumption, Mobile data 16 000 TB

Zimbabwean regulator POTRAZ deploys QoS software to monitor telecoms performance standards

Remember the Quality of Service (QoS) regulations for the Zimbabwean telecoms sector that were gazetted a few months ago by the Ministry of ICT?

They were a significant milestone for the industry, enforcing new standards on how services in telecoms such as voice communication, internet services and even postal efficiency would be monitored.

According to POTRAZ the QoS software meant to monitor all these services has already been deployed. It was sourced via a tender process that was floated last year and was acquired from a foreign vendor.

The QoS software consists of two systems that support each other for the passive collection of data as well as the active monitoring of performance on specific telecoms infrastructure.

According to POTRAZ, the QoS software has been active for over two months and the regulator has been using it to keep track of service delivery from the different providers.

All operators are supposed to meet certain standards in delivering their entire service lines and POTRAZ has been using guidelines set by the regulatory framework.

These benchmarks on service quality conform to the standards set by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

The deployment of the QoS software, as well as the gazetting of the supporting regulations will hopefully ensure an increased focus on service quality from all service providers which will benefit all citizens.


  1. Tinashe

    POTRAZ just active and showing whos boss.

  2. Muzukuru

    I wonder what else this software is monitoring. Be careful what you say when not using end to end encryption.

  3. txt

    africom iripo here

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