[Update] Minister of ICT confirms ZARnet’s Telecel takeover, $21 million (USD) paid outside the country, $19 million left!

[Update] Minister of ICT confirms ZARnet’s Telecel takeover, $21 million (USD) paid outside the country, $19 million left!

Earlier today we broke the news of ZARnet, a wholly owned subsidiary of Government, successful completing its takeover of Telecel Zimbabwe from VimpleCom. The Minister of ICT, Supa Mandiwanzira, has now released a full press statement on the takeover where he discloses some of the finer details of the deal, see below:cyhyxizw8aemj4p



1 Comment

  1. Ed

    what is the logic behind the government takeover of Telecel when they have failed to run NetOne.

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