Ruvheneko Stunner

Ruvheneko interviews Stunner on Facebook Live, highlights traditional media disruption

The Stunner and Olinda drama that grabbed the attention of every Zimbabwean on social media recently isn’t over yet and while it has just shone some light on the opportunity for content creation it’s also exposed another avenue for media.

Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa, the journalist and radio/TV personality will interview Stunner live on social media. Her platform of choice – Facebook Live, which coincidentally is the same platform that was used by Stunner’s wife to start all of this.

On the 9th of January 2017 at 4 pm Ruvheneko is set to have a one on one interview chat with the Hip Hop star something which by itself might seem like just another chat with a start tied up in something controversial.

You can watch the interview by following this Facebook link to Ruvheneko’s account,  Periscope, and Instagram.

However, it also shows how the internet continues to disrupt traditional “old school” media. Ruvheneko, who left local radio station ZiFM last year no longer needs a radio station to create discussion or engagement on a topic that’s been followed closely by tens of thousands of Zimbabweans.

Thanks to her brand name as an interviewer and media personality, all it takes for her to get people’s attention is a smartphone a good internet connection and a Facebook account.

The interview (which hopefully is the first of many) could generate the sort of traffic needed for her to even monetise her work, or build a new platform for talking to all sorts of personalities (in business, politics etc) helping her cut out any middlemen like radio or TV stations in sharing content.

The moral of the story – With the internet available to the whole world who needs a licence to reach millions of people with great content anyway?

image credit – Ruvheneko Facebook Page


  1. Charles Muzonzini

    Awesome point

  2. Chief Of Protocol ??

    It’s time for traditional media to really use a social media as a lever (force multiplier) in the content space.

  3. Macd Chip

    That how is local content is created, unfortunately the platform is not locally hosted, so there is not much gain from local users.

    Some people might be wondering how this is useful. I still remember ISPs like TelOne and Zol not charging from any locally hosted browsing. This means that if you are on limited bundles, as long as your internet browsing remains local, you are never cut off.

    Im not sure if its still the case though.

  4. Fatso

    Makes me think of where Gareth Cliff broadcasts online and now has commanded a huge following of internet listeners. Plus a “touch” of periscope and podcasts, who needs the traditional broadcasters for entertainment? Wish Ruveneko the best!

  5. Allaz

    Kana zvirizvo zava kushandisirwa internet yacho, kwidzai henyu POTRAZ…

  6. Nhai Techzim

    Oh for the love of me, Techzim. Just post or cover a story without twisting or making it about social media impact or internet or traffic or whatever. Makati you are rebranding so that you are ‘not limited’ on what to cover. Yes stunner and mai stunner are the ‘news’ in zimboland, but for goodness’ sake chingonyoraiwo without technofying everything. My!

    • Nigel Gambanga

      I believe you missed the idea of the article entirely and have probably misunderstood what we meant by rebranding.
      The article wasn’t about the Stunner issue, it was instead focused on the opportunity that’s been explored by Ruvheneko.

      • Nhai Techzim

        kakawanda Nigel kamunonyora ma ‘social’ articles and hide behind social vs traditional media. You might argue your way out of this particular article but if i have time i will search back and post such example articles here.

    • Dee

      You seem to be the only one who misunderstood the story by the way. Please read again, and more slowly. You will get it

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