TelOne Launch New Data Centre

TelOne Launch New Data Centre

Techzim attended the TelOne Data Center and Cloud Solutions launch this morning, held in Harare, where the Minister of ICT, Supa Mandiwanzira officially opened the centre. This was touted as the “first phase of the National Data Centre” and current capabilities of the centre not only include the ability to host huge amounts of data, but also allowing TelOne to fully migrate their billing system to a prepaid system.

The Minister stated that at a cost of $1.6m for the ‘data centre core’ (enterprise cloud), the centre will not only save costs for TelOne but present them the capability of earning as much as $2m/month – boggles the mind why they’d take so long to have done this with such great returns.

While a detailed covering of the event will be posted, Minister Mandiwanzira mentioned a key objective, that he again mentioned at the ZOL launch event: “Zimbabwe has signed and agreed to see to it that the country has no less than 80% of the population connected to broadband by the year 2020.”

Here are some photos of the event and the data centre:


  1. Anthony

    Love how they have a data centre launch and they still have boxes on the Datacenter floor not to forget the fire risk of leaving boxes on the DC floor. any good quality Datacenter either won’t let you take cardboard onto the DC floor to start with or make you remove it as soon as possible within the same install session….

    I also noticed there lack of consistency with the spelling, in one sign its “Data center” and another sign “Data Centre” – the correct spelling is neither but actually “Datacenter” or “Datacentre” depending on your variation of english.

    • Ghost

      I didn’t know about the boxes thing. At this rate, there could be a number of regulations being overlooked out of ignorance or otherwise. Nice start, though.

    • Captain Obvious

      Thanks for that we corrected the typo in the pictures 😉

    • Macd Chip

      You took that away from me?

      One of the datacentre l oftenly go to you are not allowed to take any pictures inside, boxes are banned, you have to book in advance to bring a box even to the loading bay.

      I noticed this long back that gvt owned companies are not bothered at all with fire risk procedures.

  2. Ghost

    I can’t start to imagine how many corners Huawei cut to provide these. Not that there’s any evidence supporting this, but this could likely be standard business practice.

  3. Macd Chip

    How is the cabling done on this? It looks like raised floors!

  4. Nyasha

    Coming late to the party but it would be nice to know the data center specs – what Tier is it? How many racks does it have? How many other networks are connected to it besides telone? what is the power capability per rack? is the Tier level certified by the Uptime Institute? The figure of $2m revenue is way out of whack – at an average cost of $1500 per month per rack that means they have a capacity of 1333 racks. Usually a 100 rack data center will cost in the region of $4m. A follow up article with some of this detail maybe?

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