Zimpapers prepares to launch TV network, ZTN

Zimpapers prepares to launch TV network, ZTN

The government owned Zimpapers, the largest print media house in Zimbabwe, is preparing to launch a new TV network, Zimpapers Television Network. A promo posted on YouTube last week introduced what the network will be about – giving people what they want in TV content.

Talk of the launch of the station by the company has been going on for at least 2 years now. It’s not clear (to us at least) exactly when they got the license, but effectively, the government will now have 2 companies that both do TV – the ailing Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation and now, Zimpapers.

In terms of where this TV station will show, it’ll likely be the terrestrial digital TV platform that the government has been working to launch for a number  of years now. When it will be ready is getting less and less clear with time. Still Zimpapers called out for TV presenter auditions in December, so hopefully we’re close.

Video is not new to Zimpapers. The company already publishes video news via the internet (mostly YouTube), but it hasn’t had any traction with averages views per video below a thousand.

In terms of content, it looks like the regular TV programming with a heavy dose of local: cooking shows, sport, a local soap, comedy and coverage of local events (awards shows, Amai’s rallies etc…)

Zimbabweans are generally starved of good TV. ZBC has been a hopeless case for close to 2 decades now; Multichoice’s DStv is super expensive; Netflix needs an internet card payment which is getting really hard to do from Zimbabwe, plus needs a good internet connection (expensive); Kwese TV is still not available in Zimbabwe and even if it does come will likely be via the internet which means data cost too.

The market is open for Zimpapers to take a good share. The talk in town for the past two years has also suggested Supa Mandiwanzira is working to launch a TV station too.

Here’s the ZTN promo video:

We’ll be posting more about this stations as


  1. More of the Same

    More propanda. It would be excusable if they brought it in HD. The programming is quite predictable.
    Our fearless leader saves kittens from drowning
    Monkeys say if they could vote they would vote for our fearless leader because he is so great.
    Dogs want to join our fearless leader’s party.
    Jesus Christ is jealous of our fearless leader who is universally adored.

    • averva

      LMAO! You are nothing short of a freak!

  2. Gono

    From the promo video the picture quality will be enhanced but the content is still the same rhetoric synonymous with ZBC

  3. Max

    anyone ever heard of StarSat?

    • James

      Stasat formerly known as Top Tv. South Africa pay Tv. Dstv rival

      • Max

        have you ever tried it James? Are there any good channels? Is it worth it?

  4. Watcher

    “…Kwese TV is still not available in Zimbabwe and even if it does come will likely be via the internet which means data cost too.”

    Not quite true. Check this: https://www.kwese.com/waystowatch

    • The point was that they are being denied terrestrial and satellite license in Zimbabwe (which they have managed to get in other markets on the continent), so their only feasible option would be to internet the home via the internet like Netflix has done.

  5. Macd Chip

    KweseTV tried to get a licence to broadcast, denied through frustrating process

    Zimpapers “decide” to launch their own tv, no problem, just launch it and sort out license later. Does this sound familiar?

    This have Charamba writen all over, just like Mujuru when she was a PTC minister.
    Talk of a parent who kills own children!!

  6. Lets See

    Looks like they will be leaning heavily on lifestyle content to garner transpartisan viewership. Cool. A number of people I respect are participating in the production side of this so i’m hopeful they can make a success of it without sullying their ideals. But I cant imagine that pure vision and intent will last long before those zimpapers roots start to show and we are inundated with the prettiest hd propaganda Zimbabwe has ever seen. 2018 will tell.

  7. Llodza

    I don’t know if there are rules that restrict MNO from zero rating data in Zimbabwe so that Econet (Kweśe TV) can do what MTN SA is doing with their video streaming channel, VU (Formally FrontRow).

  8. Sagitarr

    @Lets See respect is earned, I don’t quite understand anyone trying to earn respect through working for an organisation that pushes lies and propaganda, ignoring the fact that an argument has at least 2 sides to it its unprofessional full stop. These desperate journalists” are singing for their supper – I would feel ashamed to be associated with these propaganda organisations even as a sweeper.

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