Just a day after launch, Techzim can confirm that Econet has suspended selling Kwese TV in Zimbabwe. The suspension follows a statement issued by the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe last night which said Kwese does not have a valid satellite TV broadcasting licence.
Techzim went to 3 Econet shop branches in Harare this morning – Livingstone, Herbet Chitepo and Avondale – and at all three we were advised by Econet staff that the sale of Kwese TV services has been suspended due to licensing issues.
At the branches however Econet is taking down contact details of prospective customers which indicates the company anticipate the regulatory issue to be resolved eventually.
We are yet to get official confirmation from Econet Wireless Zimbabwe on the matter but we do expect the company to issue a statement since the market is confused right now about what’s going on.
This is a developing story, please check back for updates.
Now read:
Zim Government’s ownership of Multichoice Zimbabwe and why it’s reluctant to license Kwese TV
Some notable Zimbabweans speak on the Kwese TV licence rejection by BAZ
Strive Masiyiwa’s Narration of Court Battles in Establishing Econet
For those keen on getting their Kwese TV despite these new challenges, there’s still an unofficial way to do so, which we should state for the record that we do not recommend, for obvious reasons.
Some lingering questions…Was any required carefulness applied by Econet on Mr Dish’s license to avoid this apparent ensuing egg on the face? Did Econet get any written/official confirmation from BAZ concerning validity/applicability of Mr Dish license before going on to a massive launch or it was all assumed?
Actually I think this banning of kwese has helped the brand, we all love a David and Goliath story.This has given kwese lots of free publicity.Yet make my words its only a matter of time before kwese Tv is licenced. Meanwhile the Government has replayed the Econet story.We are now prepared even to prepay for this service.
Kampamba welcomes Kwese TV launch- 26th March 2017
Information and broadcasting minister Kampamba Mulenga has assured that the government will work with private and public media institutions to develop the industry.
And Mulenga has welcomed the launch of Zambia’s newest pay television station Kwese, owned by ECONET. Speaking after Kwese management paid a courtesy call on her, Mulenga, the chief government spokesperson, hoped ECONET would play a role in growing the country’s media industry.
She further said it was good that Kwese, a new satellite network, would focus more on local content broadcasting and that the satellite pay television station would contribute immensely to the promotion of competition and the generation of local content.
“Government wishes to congratulate ECONET, the owners of Kwese, for launching such a pay television that is premised [on] airing more local content. We hope that the newly launched pay television will provide a platform for the dissemination of diverse information to the members of the public,” said Mulenga according to a statement issued by her ministry’s press office.
ECONET, through Kwese, would offer, among others, a subscription bouquet, a free Topstar channel, including live streaming.
Zimbabwe is been led old f**s and has beens. They all have their heads buried in the sand and do not know better. No wonder ZBC is an eyesore. In a utopian world, all these old hags would have retired way way back then and would be happily enjoying their retirement, writing books, and or part-time teaching. I cry for my beloved Africa where a lucky few are oppressing the unlucky majority.
This sort of response by the ZANU-PF government is what is contributing to our present demise. Vanongoda kuti tigare tiri pasi when the rest of the world is blazing by us at accelerated speeds. It really pains me. We need new leadership and we need to move in a different direction. We need to be progressive.
Pamberi neKwese TV! Pamberi nekufambira mberi nenguva!