Minister of ICT, Zimbabwean cabinet, Might Movies, ZiFM, AB Communications

Former ICT Minister, Supa Mandiwanzira Got Arrested: Is It True This Time?

Former Minister of ICT, Supa Mandiwanzira was reportedly arrested earlier today by the CID Serious Fraud Unit. Some publications are saying that the Former Minister is said to have presented himself to the CID to provide some answers (euphemistic for interrogation).

Techzim’s position

As for us, we tried calling Supa Mandiwanzira but we couldn’t get ahold of him, his phone was on voicemail.  So, we can’t confirm nor deny that he was arrested. Remember that, he was once said to have been arrested (barely two months ago) but we confirmed it was fake news after we managed to reach out to him.  We will update this article when we get ahold of him to hear if there is truth in any of these reports.

Something to think about

If you come to think of it, there has been a number of arrests of former ministers (Kasukuwere, Parirenyatwa, Samuel Udenge) since ED took office, so would you be surprised if Supa Mandiwanzira is arrested?

Also Read:  Is Minister Supa Really Building A Cartel In The ICT Sector In Zimbabwe??? #SupaGate

1 Comment

  1. Magurure Jeremiah.

    Honorable Super Collins Mandiwanzira,,
    My man you are a great man indeed. Watching your interview with AETV in United Kingdom, uuuu man am so proud of you. =”Nyanga is Super “=. Press-on Big Man, Pple must know you are from a remote Primary School down there Manicaland by the name =Manjoro Primary School= One day you wanna make our Manjoro a great Primary School.

    Press-on Big-Boy S.C.Mandiwanzira….

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