Local startup Wellnescript has launched an employee wellness platform

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Launched in 2019, Wellnescript is a digital platform that provides health and wellness services. The company initially started with diabetes and hypertension wellness checks but it now offers free video modules on breast cancer, cervical cancer and prostate cancer.

Wellnescript recently launched a platform where companies can buy their employees access to modules covering topics like mental and physical health, financial literacy and career growth.

“Employees also use the platform to track their physical and mental health and can request one-on-one wellness coaching from qualified health professionals. Services are personalised through algorithms. In the future, we also want to facilitate personalised wellness physical products like wellness foods”

Reggie Mutetwa, CEO and Co-founder of Wellnescript

In a report by Disrupt Africa, Wellnescript’s CEO and co-founder Reggie Mutetwa said that companies in Africa don’t have the platforms where they get wellness and life success training on demand.

Wellnescript has served businesses like Generation Health, Boneville Medical Aid Scheme, Premier Services Medical Aid Society, Chemplex Corporation, CBZ Bank and Zimnat. Outside of Zimbabwe, Wellnescript operates in South Africa but there are plans to expand to English speaking countries across Africa.

This service from Wellnescript is coming at the right time

The pandemic has upended how companies and employees are used to operating. Many who were used to a certain environment may now have to work from home and that transition is not always easy. More than that the stresses and the strains brought on by this new normal have been difficult to adjust to.

If your company doesn’t already have some sort of internal support team, then I think what Wellnescript is offering is worth considering.

You can create a personal account and/or request a form for your company on Wellnescripts website with the link here.