Tech Hub Harare, Cohort, Huddle, Incubator

Applications for Tech Hub Incubator 2021 are now open

Tech Hub is an entrepreneurship platform that was developed by entrepreneurs to promote and elevate other entrepreneurs. Their goal is to enable other entrepreneurs to connect, network and grow their ideas into impactful and investment-ready businesses. To keep the entrepreneurship ecosystem ticking, Tech Hub has announced that applications for the second Incubator Program are now open.

The program is looking for startups at the idea stage that are seeking to use technology to solve the challenges in:

  • Financial Services
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Logistics
  • Agricultural

When selecting a startup Tech Hub will assess the potential impact that the business will have in Zimbabwe. They will also be looking at how scalable the idea is beyond the local market. Tech Hub says that they will give higher preference to startups that have undergone some sort of tests/testing phase or if they have served some customers.

No funding will be provided over the 26 week duration of the program

The benefits of the Tech Hub Incubator Program

  • Businesses that make it into the program will be using Tech Hub’s space so they will save some money on overheads.
  • Tech Hub will be offering market access and mentorship and help to create Business-to-Business relations for the startups
  • There will be legal, graphic design, software development, accounting and Digital Marking services on offer at affordable prices through Tech Hub’s partners
  • Masterclasses designed to educate startup founders and their teams on the best practices.
  • Cloud Computing and Business Support services to help startups build and scale through technology and supporting infrastructure.

The incubator program is running from the 11th of January to May 28th 2021. If you are interested you can access the application for with the link below:

Tech Hub Incubator Program – Cohort 2

For more information, you can contact Tech Hub on +263718924393 or email