ZIMBOCASH users can now transact on its exchange


Ah… ZIMBOCASH (ZASH) it has been a while since I thought about this alternative currency. The last we heard was that it was going through a system upgrade that would allow it to better protect itself against people who were skirting the rules. Well, unbeknownst to me ZIMBOCASH went live last week and the team over there sent an email today saying that users can now transact on its exchange.

Dear ZIMBOCASH Family, 

We’ve got exciting news for you… After announcing last week that our system is live, we are opening up transfers to the exchange for users who make the most transactions. Our goal has been from the beginning to build a network of users who use ZASH in day-to-day trade in Zimbabwe.

Key to this goal is a network of users making payments. We’re rewarding those who make transactions.  We’re introducing two cool incentives. Here is how they work:

1. Selling on the exchange:  Ten users who make the most transactions can transfer their ZASH to the exchange. 

2. First Payment Reward: If you pay people and its their first time to receive ZASH, you get a reward of 100 ZASH. More information on the incentives:
Selling on the exchangeThe ZIMBOCASH users who have made the ten most transactions each month will be able to transfer their ZASH to the exchange.  It doesn’t matter at this stage how much you pay each person. We just want to see you making transactions – small or big transactions are fine. We’re measuring the number of unique users you pay, who have each verified their IDs. To participate, there are a few additional terms:

-You’ll need to have made 6 transactions to unique users for every 10% you wish to transfer to the exchange, and 

-You’ll need to tell us your payments and exchange transfer story in a video that we’ll show to others. 

First Payment Reward Our second incentive is also pretty cool – we want to reward you when you pay ZASH to someone and it’s their first time to receive. You get an extra 100 ZASH when both you and the person you pay verify IDs. 
There is no limit to the number of first payment rewards that you can receive. If you pay 10 people for their first time, you will get 10 First Payment Rewards (i.e. 1000 ZASH).
  Our other incentives still apply. Here is the list of all our ZASH rewards:

Signup Reward – 400 ZASH when you sign up. 

Referral Reward – 40 ZASH for every user who signs up using your account number as a referral. You only receive this when both you and them confirm IDs. 

Click Reward – 0.4 ZASH for every unique click you receive on your unique link (i.e. from a unique IP address), limited to a 100 clicks. 

First Payment Reward – 100 ZASH for every person you pay and it’s their first time to receive payment. 

ZIMBOCASH is the solution to Zimbabwe’s collapsing economy. We’re establishing sound money with 4.5 billion ZASH tokens in the country. Our goal is to see people using ZASH to buy goods and services. There is no other cryptocurrency in the world that has a local payments network to this degree. We are pioneering something really special. 

So after the currency’s (somewhat justified) disappearing act last year, are you game to jump back on to it? (If you haven’t already)

You should also check out


59 responses to “ZIMBOCASH users can now transact on its exchange”

  1. Mdluli Avatar

    Here we go!!

  2. Simba Avatar

    go zimbocash… I’ve always known that they are going to come through.

    1. Gibson Munyaradzi Zinyuku Avatar

      I need to buy airtime from my zimbocash wallet

  3. Jon Jon Avatar
    Jon Jon

    Agreed!!! Go zimbocash!!! We know it’s a tough job. We are rooting for you!!!!

  4. John Avatar

    Come get various goods and services from @XpressThings for ZASH

    1. frank Avatar

      kindly get in touch i have got zash chirongomafrank@gmail.com

    2. Brighten Avatar

      Hey John, where is XpressThings man got some ZASH

    3. Brighten Avatar

      Hey John, where is XpressThings man got some ZASH

  5. Nashville Avatar

    It will only end in adoption. Zimbocash is steamlining the clogged old traditional financial system, looking at an all inclusive approach. Digital assets is the future no doubt about that. 100% behind our own brain child solution, bravo $ZASH🚀

    1.  Avatar

      Zash is the prime solution

      1. Brighten Avatar

        Hey John, where is XpressThings man got some ZASH

  6. tjaymac Avatar

    Paper 2

  7. ERUM Avatar

    Didn’t matter how long it took to fix the issues, some of us been waiting for the comeback and, I am in 110%. If you are not in you are loosing out big time.

  8. Clayton Avatar

    Can I buy airtime using Zash

    1. Panashr Avatar

      Yes..googoe xpress things they delk tnings fr zash only

    2.  Avatar

      Yes actually you can and more other products and services. Check out Trekapt – The Ultimate ZASH trading site ⤵️
      #zash #soundmoney #crypto

  9. TkaYz Avatar

    Failing to Verify my phone number since it first came live long back i tried verifying yesterday but it seemed impossible

    1. Munaxxe Avatar

      Forward your query to the official Zash support line on telegram…. https://t.me/zimbocashsupport

  10. Time for change Avatar
    Time for change

    Judging by the comments alone this smells like a pyramid scheme… The wording is the article even more…I know it’s a just its report but techzim please do sure diligence

    1. Chipo Burombo Avatar
      Chipo Burombo

      get a life Mr, what pyramid scheme? even if they go down they haven’t taken any money from me, their tokens are being given for free when you signup, they have never sold their tokens. So what do you stand to lose if they do not succeed?

      zimbocash is the solution we have been waiting for, embrace it and stop being so sceptical

    2.  Avatar

      Thats poor analysis, how can you conclude that its a pyramid scheme by taking into cognisance only the comment section. I advise you to read wide about ZIMBOCASH(ZASH) for a better understanding, because clearly you are post. DYOR

  11. The Gray Analyst¤ Avatar
    The Gray Analyst¤

    Zimbocash?? That deceased rat!! I can’t believe it took them years to work again. This is nonsense. Guess what, we won’t use it. I’m not ready to be fooled again. Now it’s valueless. Aaargh. When will Zimbabweans create something that works? We can’t even withdraw it. This thing is gonna blow in our faces.😇 KAPOOSH!

    1. Khalifa Avatar

      Have you checked out Munhumutapa, apparently you can create your own digital assets and can currently trade its coins without restrictions.

    2. Duan Thompson Avatar
      Duan Thompson

      hahaha you sound spiteful mate. you were really hoping that they never came back LMAFAO.You are probably one of those doom preachers and now you are mad that you have been proven wrong.

      Myself and over 150K Zimbabweans say we believe in zimbocash and we will work to grow pur community and make sure zash is a success.

      You can keep your spite

    3. Panashe Avatar

      Judging by your comment you dnt take chances
      You are being gvn fr free yet you scheme ..from who …scheme you of what

    4. Panashe Avatar

      Since you are also zimbo why dnt creaye fr us smthing that works n stop bluffing out rubbish to people who are actually doing something …

    5.  Avatar

      ZIMBOCASH is working as expected and its back with a bang. Our very own brain child is making strides in the crypto space and already has a reference price from BitGlobal Exchange. Anyone with a verified Zimbocash account can send and receive ZASH flawlessly, also you are able to transact on the exchange. The future is digital assets and ZASH has positioned it self for the future now. Don’t be another laszlo.

    6. Julius Avatar

      Don’t say we won’t use it. Speak for yourself and do something that’s if you even can.

    7.  Avatar

      Hello if you go and check the most valued coin… it wasnt cheap to be where it stands right now

  12. Creed Made-it Avatar
    Creed Made-it

    Does this crypto have any value yet🥴

    1. Nashville Avatar

      Yes it has value, you can check it on BitGlobal Exchange, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume. Its already listed there paired to Bitcoin and USDT. Check it out on BitGlobal Crypto Exchange : http://bithumb.pro/en-us/spot/trade?q=ZASH-USDT

  13. Figs Avatar

    What is the zash value against the usd

    1.  Avatar

      Get the latest ZASH price on coinmarketcap :

    2. Nashville Avatar

      Get the latest ZASH price on coinmarketcap :

  14. Goodnews Avatar

    Well done Zimbo Cash. Finally after the long wait.

  15.  Avatar

    Aaah ma1

  16. Tuta life Avatar

    Is it possible to create my own digital……

  17. Melody Avatar

    WOW! I knew these guys were honest and kept their word. after a year of upgrades now we can trade zash p2p and buy with zash (a few items at first, but more vendors are coming online)

    I am #teamzash

  18. Bennycage Avatar

    We urge the public to be rest assured as Zimbocash is taking means of integrating with the nation and developing a user-friendly ecosystem. Nonetheless, Zimbocash is here to stay

  19. Mbo Avatar

    Woow this is exciting news thats the alternative Zimbabwean community need . It may have taken a while but the reasons behind the delay are quite valued and vital . Looking forward for more adoption . ZASH is the alternative hope for working money in Zimbabwe .

  20. Munaxxe Avatar

    We are slowly migrating to an era of “cash-less economies”…. digital assets are the way to go!!

  21. Nashe Avatar

    Just saw a clinic in Bulawayo taking ZASH for medical services mind blown

    1.  Avatar

      Wow really, thats adoption on the horizon. 👏👏

  22. Trinity Avatar

    Thank you Zimbocash team for giving us hope for having sound money in our nation…Our cry have been heard no more inflation… We are all behind u guys me and the other 150k pluz Zimbabweans who have registered…..The reason we are all here is that the current financial system is outdated…guys let’s move with time….#zimbocashtothemoon

  23.  Avatar

    You got it right there mate. The 4th industrial revolution is upon us, its a transition from WEB 2.0 TO WEB 3.0 spearheaded by the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.
    ZASH is allowing all Zimbabweans to participate in this global trend, with low barriers to entry for ordinary citizens. How easy can it be, by just signing up for FREE on ZIMBOCASH you get yourself a TRC 10 ZASH Token (crypto) into you digital Zimbocash wallet for FREE. Got appreciate and support our own home grown solutions to our unique problems.
    #zash #crypto #blockchain #soundmoney

  24. Julius Avatar

    Zimbocash #ZASH Sound money for the people. I am a Proud Zashain and will forever be one. Forever a Zashian.

  25. Giftan Holan Avatar
    Giftan Holan

    Zimbocash have bring a positive change in Zim… If we all use it guys things will change for good

  26.  Avatar

    Zimbocash is the future 🚀🚀🚀..Eager to see the price of zash after 3 years

  27. busisa Avatar

    Viva Zash
    Your future is bright

  28. matt jones Avatar
    matt jones

    I’ve been holding for two years. This makes me very happy. Congratulations and happy to be sharing the ride. 🥂

  29. Sija Avatar

    Can you exchange ZASH with BTC

  30. Gibson Munyaradzi Zinyuku Avatar

    Hie Zimbo’cash thanks much for this platform. How can i buy airtime through my zimbocash

  31. Prince P Moyo Avatar
    Prince P Moyo

    Hello how can I buy airtime using my zimbocash

  32.  Avatar

    How can I buy zash Using ZWL$

  33. panashe Avatar

    anyone who wants zash hit me up on 0775768788

  34. John Avatar

    Good stuff.
    Looking forward to it kicking off

  35. John Avatar

    Good stuff.
    Looking forward to when this project really kicks off.

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