UNDP Chipinge Young Innovators Program

Applications for the UNDP Chipinge Young Innovator’s Program are now open

Like the rest of Africa, Zimbabwe has a youth unemployment challenge. However, what distinguishes Zimbabwe from most African countries is the high literacy rate which currently stands at 92%. UNDP Zimbabwe believes that the latter can be used to tackle the former via a digital skills training program, which aims to train youths in the key skills lacking on the job market. COVID-19 has accelerated the global shift by firms from traditional brick and mortar services to online platforms and by riding on that momentum we seek to create a program that either connects youths with digital jobs or assist them in creating jobs via start-ups.

The program works with private sector partners to identify the digital skill lacking in industry and use that information to tailor a training program aimed at transforming youth with a strong IT/computing background into job-ready candidates. Over a period of 4 months, students will go through an intensive project-based curriculum that addresses the digital skills gap in Zimbabwe. Additionally, the training will also ensure that the students are competitive in the international job market, which will open opportunities for freelancing gigs. The technical training will be paired with a soft skills training package aimed at providing the students with skills in business development, plus the conception and growth of start-ups.

UNPD Zimbabwe and Chipinge Town Council are partnering on a digital training and job placement program aimed at preparing Zimbabwean youth for the jobs of tomorrow. The programs will see youths in Chipinge with an IT background undergo an intense 4-month training program followed by job placements at public and private firms. UNDP will recruit the brightest and motivated youths with a strong background in coding either having acquired it in school or self-taught. YIP will consist of three accelerated training blocks, each running for a month and leading up to job placements or entrepreneurial support for students to further develop ideas generated during the three months.

Duties and Repsonsibilities

The objective of the Young Innovators Program is to utilize technology to create youth employment whilst accelerating the pace at which digital solutions are adopted by public and private sector in Zimbabwe. This will be achieved via the four pathways described below.  

Creation of innovation spaces: UNDP is setting up innovation hubs across small towns in Zimbabwe to create a space where young people can learn how to utilize digital technologies as means to job creation and solving local challenges. The Hubs will be equipped with state-of-the-art computer hardware and software that is connected to fast broadband internet and a solar backup power system.  Thus, UNDP innovation hubs will serve as a central place in town where young minds can access tools and support that would be out of their reach. The spaces will benefit from AccLab’s solution mapping activities which identify grassroots solutions.

Soft-Skills training: YIP will leverage an existing soft skills training program offered through Youth connect to deliver a soft skills training curriculum that ensures that YIP graduates have the business and networking skills required to turn ideas/innovations into profitable solutions. The curriculum will cover major pitfalls faced in creating a business or day to day running of an existing business.

Private sector partnerships: UNDP and partner will utilize their unique position and track record to establish partnerships with private sector firms that can hire students upon graduating from the program. Private sector partners will be engaged throughout the course of the program starting from the design of the training curriculum. A skills gap analysis with private sector partners will ensure that YIP is relevant to the needs of Zimbabwean companies. Partners will be provided with feedback on student perfomance and interest to make sure that job placement is optimized for both employer and employee to benefit.


Functional Competencies

  • Excellent drafting, documentation, and communication skills in English;
  • Knowledge of digital platforms, coding, and capability to transfer the knowledge via lessons;
  • Proven record in creating digital tools.

Corporate Competencies:

  • Promote the highest standards of ethics and integrity;
  • Support creativity and innovation;
  • Help create an enabling environment for open communication;
  • Share knowledge and support a culture of learning;
  • Demonstrate fairness and transparency.



  • A diploma or university degree in a field related to computers, coding, ICT. Candidate should have passed Maths and English at O’Level;   


  • Aged between 20-30 years;
  • A current or former resident of Chipinge willing to take part in in person training, three times a week. Each lesson will be 2 hours long;
  • Willingness to relocate to Chipinge for four months during the duration of the program.

Language Requirements:

  •     An excellent command of English and Local Language is a requirement

Latest CV highlighting the relevant experience; Updated P11 Form template of which can be downloaded from this website in the link here. A detailed technical proposal on undertaking the tasks and evidence of previous work;

Please group all your documents (CV, P11, Technical Proposal and certificates) into one single PDF document as the system only allows uploading a maximum of one document. Incomplete applications will not be given consideration. Applicants must reply to the mandatory questions asked by the system when submitting the application

Please note that only applicants who are short-listed will be contacted.

Evaluation criteria:

The Consultant will be evaluated based on qualifications and years of experience, as outlined in the qualifications/requirements section of the ToR.  In addition, the Consultant will also be evaluated on the following methodology:
Technical Criteria weight: 70%;
Financial Criteria weight: 30%;

Submissions are open till the 19th of October 2021. The application form is in the link here.

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