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NetOne seeks to leverage AI, roll out 5G and make OneMoney dominant in 2025

NetOne CEO, Raphael Mushanawani spoke to The Herald and gave an overview of the 2025 he foresees the organisation having. 

As CEO, you would expect him to sell his company and the impact it will have in the economy. He did that. However, we also got a few insights into what NetOne will be focusing on. 

Mushanawani seems to have grand ambitions for the mobile network operator, and I’m sure we are all rooting for him. Telecel is a non-entity and so if we are going to avoid an Econet monopoly, which nobody wants, we need NetOne to thrive. 

Apparently, NetOne is positioning itself as the leader in Zimbabwe’s digital transformation, aiming to redefine the digital economy through innovation and inclusivity.

The CEO says the company’s ambitious vision for 2025 includes becoming a billion-dollar enterprise while fostering a digital ecosystem that empowers communities and accelerates economic growth.

That’s as ambitious as it gets. I don’t know about the billion dollar enterprise bit but I guess it’s shoot for the stars time. 

Three main highlights:

AI and connectivity

NetOne plans to leverage artificial intelligence to enhance connectivity and customer experiences. 

AI has the potential to revolutionise any business, more so a tech company like NetOne. We don’t know just how the company will leverage AI but it’s good to know that they are actively looking to do that. 

We have heard a number of companies, including fierce competitor Econet, say AI has helped with customer experiences so it’s not beyond imagination that NetOne would find a way too. 

We would need details on how NetOne will leverage AI to enhance connectivity to have an opinion. 

Network expansion

NetOne wants to expand its network into underserved areas in 2025. It’s unfortunate that connectivity is still not up to scratch in a huge part of the country and so it’s good to see NetOne focus on it in 2025. 

The challenge has always been that it doesn’t make financial sense to serve some of those underserved areas. Hence why they are underserved. 

NetOne cannot just go out and cover every corner of the country without considering returns on investment. So, there will have to be a balance to do this sustainably. 

This makes me wonder if NetOne is going to leverage on OneWeb’s technology. We talked about NetOne partnering with OneWeb, a Starlink competitor, last year. 

This means like Starlink, OneWeb already has 100% coverage of Zimbabwe and if NetOne leverages on that, they will be able to deliver on the promise to expand network to underserved areas. 

In urban areas NetOne is going to be rolling out 5G. 


From what the CEO said, OneMoney is going to be getting a lot of attention this year. OneMoney is NetOne’s mobile money solution. 

He said something along the lines that OneMoney is set to become a crucial tool for financial inclusion, enabling seamless digital payments and providing financial services to the unbanked, thus supporting small businesses and individuals.

I don’t know what killer features or discounts or super marketing campaigns they have in store to achieve that. The reality is that the mobile money space is fiercely competitive these days. 

We still have EcoCash and the likes of InnBucks and O’Mari shot into the scene with a splash. At the end of 2024 we saw Mukuru get licences that will see it encroach on the space too. That’s not to mention the countless other players vying for market share in the space. 

With this in mind, it’s going to be a huge challenge to see OneMoney ‘become a crucial tool’ as the CEO wants. Nothing is impossible but it will be quite the challenge. 

We shall see how NetOne will take on the challenge in due time. 

That’s it. That’s what I gathered from the CEO’s sit down with The Herald. We shall come back to this article at the end of the year and see how NetOne did. 


  1. Voltage

    The only killer deal would be $10 or $20 unlimited data for a month.Otherwise in terms of mobile money we have plenty options already

    • Consumers are funny sometimes

      lol problem yatinayo as consumers kufunga kuti you should get services at all most “for free” and at the same time get excellent services. $10 really? Be serious

      • Internet Mafia

        How about giving the market a competing product to smart biz?

      • Iona

        Econet is giving unlimited data capped at 1000gig netone can give 300gig at 20 bucks they would steal all of Econet customers

  2. Anonymous

    Is a Zimbabwean business that uses those AI or ML systems for handling customer care phone services.

    I know of an international bank that outsources customer care call centres to India has software that disguises their Indian accents. Sometimes it just sounds like Windows 2000 reading text!

  3. Jason

    They could become a billion dollar company, he only forgot to mention which currency coz nezig billion company Inosvika even trillion

  4. Funny Dollars

    billion dollar enterprise? lol , is he talking proper US dollars or some other dollars here? please its not april fools day yet …

  5. Wake Up Call

    On AI and ML South Africa has government sponsored projects that provide free data sets and models in all official languages. South Africa also have free MS Word spell checkers for all official languages.

    Meanwhile in Zimbabwe we got plenty of government sponsored research institutions that seem to be conducting secret research.

    The other day I browsed all the PHD thesis at UZ for civil engineering and it seems like 90% of them are from people from other African Countries and those are likely sponsored by donors.

    Someone has developed a LibreOffice spellchecker for Shona, but seriously why a development that was mastered 10- 20 years ago should not be such a giant leap that one of our researchers can implement for the benefit of the Zimbabwean masses. For Ndebele, maybe the South African AI and ML datasets should be spring board for Zimbabwean implementations, but no such outputs for mass consumption are available.

    The research in Zimbabwe needs to focus more on application of primary research rather than primary research which leads to no practical applications

    Just visit Econet’s website and see outdated it is to see that sometimes in an organization no one there cares. That’s true even for buying USD bundles where it takes some guesswork to get to the correct option. Seriously?

  6. Prince Shumba

    Sounds like just the usual corporate mumbo jumbo to hype his company, otherwise no real world plans.
    More like Trump’s ‘concepts of a plan’
    Leverage this leverage that throw in the buzz word of the moment, AI – and that’s it! 😁

  7. Bajirao

    Hi Leonard just want to ask, do you know anything about some network called Tagtel heard it from my friend he’s been using th line for months so I hear it’s an Internet based sim just like th liquid ones

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