The Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa (CRASA) will, starting tomorrow, hold an impact assessment training workshop at Elephant Hills in Victoria Falls. The 2 day workshop is aimed at providing forums where awareness of the need for impact assessment in the policy and regulation making processes are discussed.
The workshop is being attended by regulatory authorities and the SADC region telecommunications and internet service providers.
CRASA operations manager explains in the secretariat message for the workshop:
As policymakers and regulators in the ICT sector in the SADC region, we have come to realisation that good policy andregulation can only be developed if it is based on relevant evidence. Regulation during the era in which there is robusttechnological developments is quite challenging. It is critical that as Government advisers, we need to think through andunderstand the consequences of possible and actual government interventions in the ICT Sector. It is being acknowledgedtherefore that Impact Assessment (IA) is an effective tool for modern, evidence based policy making that facilitates forstructured framework for handling policy challenges. It is also being advised that these IA should be embedded in all ourpolicy and regulation making processes.
Local regulatory authority, POTRAZ, is hosting the event. You can find the programmer for the workshop here.
The workshop will be followed by the CRASA 13th annual general meeting to be held at the same venue from 25 to 26 March 2010.
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