Econet’s Ruzivo e-learning platform adds Ordinary level content

Econet’s Ruzivo e-learning platform adds Ordinary level content

The Ruzivo e-learning platform has been making some noise in the online learning spaces and drawing mixed feelings from people. However, ever since it was zero-rated for Econet users and had other subjects added onto it, the feelings tend to be aggregating towards positive – I mean free always flies right?

As had always been in the pipeline, Ruzivo will now be providing Ordinary level (O’level) content, with subjects including Mathematics, Geography, Integrated Science, English, Shona and Ndebele so far; which I personally think will gain it a whole lot more traction than any of the other changes that have been made so far – except maybe the scratching off of the initially imposed $2 monthly subscription (can’t really compete with free now can we?).

Firstly because the number of primary school students that possess mobile phones or tablets or laptops is relatively lower than that of secondary school students. Maybe I’m a bit archaic in this regard, but from my observation only a marginal proportion of kids (6 – 12years) actually own smartphones. Most of them can use smartphones, yes, but it’s often a parent or sibling’s phone.

However, considering the new curriculum and its requirements which state that secondary school students should have smartphones and/or tablets, it would only make sense for students to make use of this platform.

Secondly, it’s often in secondary school where people actually need to read beyond what is being provided in class in order to pass. Not sure now with the new curriculum, but it was so during my school days. The content on the platform is Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) endorsed which means students, as well as schools (since the packages provided are not just for home revision but for classroom lessons as well), can be confident about the information they obtain on the site.

Added to that, the Ruzivo e-learning platform is interactive and contains tests and exercises which can help student self-assess and therefore work towards improving (or maintaining) their grades. Hopefully, students will not only make use of this platform but will find it useful as this will work towards one of the aims of the platform i.e. improving Zimbabwe’s O’level  pass rate which was sitting at 29.96% in 2016.


1 Comment

  1. Waldo

    “(can’t really compete with free now can we?).”

    Yes we can!!!

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