Information that Techzim has received is that Dr Dish, the licence holders of the broadcasting licence for the Strive Masiyiwa owned initiative Kwese TV, have won their urgent court application against the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe.
This effectively means that Kwese Tv will be going back live on air any time now, as the cancellation has been revoked.
Techzim has independently confirmed that the court case was won and will share the ruling in due course.
Kwese TV has been wanting to get into the Zimbabwean airway for some time now and has faced a couple of hiccups, first with ZBC and then most recently the Dr. Dish saga.
Interestingly, though the name ‘Kwese’ has a Zimbabwean feel to it, ‘kwese’ means everywhere in Zimbabwe’s native language Shona, it has taken only to launch locally, while other countries have had the privilege of enjoying the service.
Below is a Facebook post, the lawyer in the matter, Tawanda Nyambirai, posted soon after receiving the ruling.
Congratulations KWESE!! This is a huge win for Zimbabweans.
Congrats, Ahoy Kwese, bring the competition and the subscribers will be spoilt for choice
Congrat !!! Kwese tv representives during this hiccup or blockade tym which has bn faced through out , I say with loud applause u hv made us proud with this grear achievement “Kwese Tv for us Zimbabweans “
Great news!!!!!!
in their face !!!!!!
This demostrates one big issue which in Zim, people cannot differentiate themselves from gvt anymore. They think gvt is them, when they speak, gvt speak.
It will take a lot to separate this mentality from people who works for gvt
Watch our idiotic government through their equally idiotic BAZ challenge the ruling. Vamwe vanhu vakavata nezamu mukanwa chokwadi! Their imbecility is incredibly impressive. Pasi neDSTV monopoly!
congrts kwese
Thank u god for taking us to cloud nines
Ebenezer! Vadzvanyiriri Manyara!
This Zanu PF rule is nonsense, they try to politicise every issue. This is anti progressive!
Congratulations kwese
So, from your experience, which direction is the Dish facing, just want to know.