Rejoice Chrome Users, Your Browser Will Now Have An Ad Blocker Pre-Installed . This Is How It Will Work

If you use the Google Chrome web browser you have reason to celebrate. Chrome will now block ads that don’t live up to Better Ads Standards.

Not all ads will be blocked…

The service will not be similar to other ad blockers such as AdBlock Plus or uBlock Origin, which block every ad a page loads. Chrome’s Adblock feature will specifically target publishers who are reported to have annoying ads. These publishers will be given 30 days by Google to take off the offensive ads. If they don’t comply all ads are removed from their site, even the ones that are not offensive. Chrome’s ad blocking will also differ from the ad blockers used in browsers such Opera that you can turn on/off.

Google will also police ads from their own ad networks (AdSense & DoubleClick). This means if a site is guilty of foul play, AdSense and DoubleClick ads will still be blocked.

Targeted Ads

The move to target a certain type of ads has been in the works for a while now and last year we covered how this might end up affecting Chrome users. I personally hope this leads to better performance as Chrome is already “popular” for using up too much memory.

We are yet to really see how this works but if this turns out to be the end of the page hijacking ads or autoplaying video ads, I’m sure Chrome users would welcome this move with open arms.

The feature is coming to Chrome on all platforms (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux).