Here Is A WhatsApp Bot That Helps To Know Which Nearest Fuel Station Has Fuel: Simply Type Your Location

Here Is A WhatsApp Bot That Helps To Know Which Nearest Fuel Station Has Fuel: Simply Type Your Location

So yesterday, we got you acquainted with social media groups that have emerged which give you updates about that have fuel stations have fuel. Now, one Zim tech company, Intelli Africa Solutions developed a WhatsApp bot that makes it way easier to know which fuel station in your area has fuel. While the social media groups I talked about yesterday only give you updates of any fuel station, this WhatsApp Bot gives you updates for your area specifically. These guys really know that WhatsApp is used by many people in Zimbabwe that’s why they chose to come up with this kind of bot. Nice one Intelli Africa Solutions.

How does the WhatsApp Bot work

  • You just need no to follow this link.
  • After following that link, you will be redirected to a number which reads “0771583876” and a standby message reading “Pakaipa”.
  • Send that stand by “Pakaipa” message and you will get this message;
  • Besides that link, you can also just save these Intelli Africa Solutions phone numbers 0771583506 and 0771583865 in your phone and send the message “Pakaipa”.

  • Type the name of your where you  are (e.g Budiriro or Borrowdale etc) and you will get messages like these