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Minister Kazembe Kazembe Fires Netone Board, Reasons To Follow Soon

The incoming Minister of ICT, Kazembe Kazembe has taken that giant step of dismissing the controversial board of the state-owned Mobile Network Operator, Netone. Unfortunately, we are not yet in the loop as to the reason why the board was dissolved. One report says that the board unilaterally appointed an acting CEO which was a “violation of corporate governance ethics” according to the Permanent Secretary in the ministry of ICT Engineer Sam Kundishora.  

It’s plausible because, the currently suspended CEO, Lazarus Muchenje is on suspension for an almost similar act, of unilaterally dismissing the board several months ago. Confusing right? Yes, Netone experiences a lot of “boardroom politics”. Anyway, we wait to hear the reason why the board was fired as the Minister has promised. Whatever the reason the board was dismissed for, I would like to think that Minister Kazembe Kazembe means business by doing this, he probably wants to start his reign with a new management. About the dismissal of the board, the Permanent Secretary said;

I can confirm that the minister has dismissed the board, more reasons will be sent to you formally, but it is a fact of the matter that the board ceases operation with immediate effect

The board has been subject to many conspiracy theories, with Former CEO Reward Kanga accusing it to be a mafia under the tutelage of Supa Mandiwanzira (then minister of ICT).  Just some months ago, the same board that just got dissolved yesterday was dismissed by the currently suspended CEO, Lazarus Muchenje. Supa Mandiwanzira (then Minister of ICT) then reinstated the board again and in turn, it took the chance to suspend Mr. Muchenje for having “resisted and challenged the board’s authority on how to handle the issue relating to senior management”.

Meanwhile, Mr. Muchenje is set to appear before the disciplinary committee on tomorrow. With the board fired, do you think he will have it his way and get back to the helm of Netone?



  1. The CEO wasn’t suspended because of firing the board. He fired executives most of whom did not even sit in the board after their contracts had expired.

  2. BTM

    “It’s plausible because, the currently suspended CEO, Lazarus Muchenje is on suspension for an almost similar act, of unilaterally dismissing the board.” . . . . Is this even possible Techzim????

  3. Mhofu

    I think the board and muchenje should go and start afresh

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