So Standard Chartered Bank has started what they are calling Technology Tuesday where they are distributing helpful content to their clients about how to do certain things on their digital platforms. Here’s how today’s brief looks like:
Dear Client
Welcome to the second edition of the Technology Tuesday Series – this month’s edition focuses on which
services you can make bill payments for directly from your account and for those clients that need to be able to still receive One Time Pins (OTP) while outside Zimbabwe, we have provided a short guide on how to change your registered number before leaving Zimbabwe.Need To Make a Bill Payment?
The Bank has 7 major billers which you can make direct payments to. Seamlessly make payments to ZESA,
City of Harare, Mutare Council, CIMAS, Econet, Telecel and Netone from any of our digital platforms for your electricity, rates, medical aid or airtime when it’s convenient for you.To make these payments, simply register your account under any of these billers on any of our digital
platforms and begin making payments in minutes.But there is more! Our clients can now send ZESA electricity top up vouchers directly to third parties when buying electricity for them. All you have to do is put in the recipient’s mobile number as the recipient and the SMS with the voucher number will be delivered to that person, making it even more convenient.
Travelling Abroad and Need to Change Your Registered Number?
It is important that before you travel you make the necessary change to your registered mobile number in order to be able to receive the One Time Pin (OTP) to confirm the number change on your registered number.
You can find this Service Request option by logging onto your Online Banking Account and clicking on the Get Help tab and then on the Submit Service Requests tab.
Selecting the Mobile Banking Registration and Modification tab will take you to the Mobile Banking
Registration and Modification page.
1. Select MODIFY as the request type
2. Enter the new designated number and your Address
3. Select which account you want to link to that number
4. Select if you would like SMS alerts for all the transactions you conduct
5. Select if you would like to sign up for airtime top-upsWhen complete go to the bottom of the page, select the NEXT button and follow the instructions provided.
While this will allow you to receive OTP’s and Alerts for transactions while you are outside Zimbabwe, you will not be able to access the *200# Mobile Banking service as this is only available on local Zimbabwean mobile networks.
To find out more about our billers, Service Requests or any of our other digital banking platforms contact us on +263 (042) 254281/2/3, or speak to your Relationship Manager.
Thank you for choosing Standard Chartered Bank.
A good initiative!