ZSE Securities

ZSE opens door to companies interested in participating on the Victoria Fall Stock Exchange

Zimbabwe Stock Exchange has issued an invitation for expression of interest to participate on the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange.

The invitation they published reads;

The Victoria Falls Stock Exchange Limited (“VFEX”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Limited, is currently awaiting licencing by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe and is calling on the following stakeholders to express their interest to participate on VFEX:

Securities Dealers:

Security dealing firms licenced by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe are eligible to express their interest.


Securities dealers, accounting firms, banks, legal practitioners and investment advisers wishing to offer sponsor services on VFEX are eligible to express their interest.

Securities Custodians:

Custodian firms licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe and are part of clearing banks which are able to clear and settle transactions in United States Dollars are eligible to express their interest.

Securities Transfer Firms:

Securities transfer firms licenced by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe are eligible to express their interest.

Investment Management Firms:

Investment management firms licenced by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe are eligible to express their interest. Interested parties are required to send their expression of interest via email to info@zse.co.zw cc operations@zse.co.zw by 16:30 hours, Tuesday 18 August 2020.

The Expression of interest should clearly state:

  • Name of the company
  • Which category of interest
  • Contact details

Detailed information will then be provided to those who have expressed interest.