ZBC Van, CEO, TV Zimbabwe, Digitisation, Digital TV 12 new TV stations, ZESA

ZBC suffers power outage disrupting radio & television programming

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has, in a tweet, notified the nation that it has suffered a power outage at its Pockets Hill Broadcasting Centre.

The Tweet from the ZBC on the power ZESA outage reads as follows:

“The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation would like to inform all valued stakeholders that its Pockets Hill Broadcasting Centre has suffered a power outage. This has affected radio & TV transmission. We apologise for the inconvenience. Engineers are working to restore services.”

ZBC on Twitter


  1. Anonymous

    Feel sorry for those guys because I don’t even know there was a Disruption on Radio and Television signal

    Why because I don’t even watch ZBC

    • Bar-Fly

      Exactly, Anonymous!

  2. Bar-Fly

    What makes them think they’re so special? We’ve had, and STILL HAVE, long power disruptions! Solar and generators have become a must have, so maybe they should think along the same lines!

  3. john

    Ko digitalisation yaka yeda kupi ?

  4. Takudzwa B

    Kana yakavhara for life ZBC dont care vanenge vatotigonera

  5. fantastic

    congrats to zesa, keep up the good work guys !!

  6. T-S-A The Serial Analyst

    They had a power outage? I didn’t even know that because i don’t give a sh*t about it. Thanks to ZESA for the good work. Asante Sana😆

  7. The Nerd

    I miss Classic 263–Now We Are Talking.

  8. BEIT

    Stat3 broadcast3r without backup is clearly screaming FAIL3D STAT3.

  9. Jombwa

    ED pfeeeeeee 😂😂😂

  10. 4tuelit

    No one cares

  11. Sagitarr

    ZBC “programming”, my foot! The daily diatribe and half-baked claptrap can hardly be described as programming. It’s for folks who can’t think, analyse and decide for themselves. Close them down they don’t add value to our lives.

    • Anonymous

      Guys but me i have to be truth because i like it following me but ZBC tv is may okay loading shadding good guys work ZESA.

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