Passport Office Bill Board, e-passport

Zim’s e-passports: does the govt have enough material for the tsunami that is to come?

The e-passport rollout is so confusing. When should we start applying for them? What about those who got regular passports recently? Why should we have to pay at CBZ and then at the Passport office? Is this another one of those things that is only being done because we are getting into election season? If the government was struggling with conventional passports do we have the materials and suppliers to meet the tsunami applications for these new and complicated e-passports?

We tried to make sense of these questions and more…

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  1. doc kk

    its a good initiative towards vision 2030 . it shows the little support the state can best afford to the society , in the aim to digitalis Zimbabwe.keep it up

  2. Tim

    Tagwirei adding more millions to his command net worth

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