WhatsApp adds polls and communities. I have some thoughts.

WhatsApp adds polls and communities. I have some thoughts.

WhatsApp has been busy these past couple of months adding feature after feature to the chat app. They are all pretty interesting with the latest ones being Polls, Communities, and Avatars. So are they any good?


Polls are pretty much a way of data collection on whatever topic you desire. The data will come in an easy to work with the format for the person who will be running the poll instead of perusing the whole chat for individual messages. It’s a feature I see being used a lot in community, academic, and even business groups.

I do think that there was an oversight WhatsApp made with polls. They do not have the option to restrict one person to only select or vote for one option. You can, if you want, vote for every option on any poll. At least we get to have them both on individual accounts and business accounts.


Essentially communities are groups for existing groups. A way of organizing the various groups you are in to make it easier to find them and share messages just to specific groups of the same topic. Think of it this way. In the zhet economy that is Zimbabwe, the typical WhatsApp account is in a variety of groups for a number of things. Avon products, Forex groups, health products, fuel, you name it.

All these groups can be organized by whatever topic you so choose. And you can share specific messages with specific groups of the same topic. And if you have used WhatsApp for long enough you will remember that back in the day we had broadcast lists. A way of grouping contacts with the same topic and…yes broadcasting messages to all of them at once.

For a business this feature is amazing. It allows me to put all Techzim groups under one ‘Community’ and share news articles in all of them at once instead of 5 groups at a time. But WhatsApp brought this feature to individual accounts and denied business accounts. Imagine region-specific broadcast messages for businesses with multiple branches in different locations. A powerful and convenient business feature shipped off to individual accounts.


Meta is bringing the Avatars magic from the Metaverse to WhatsApp. It’s just an extension of expression from the selection of gifs, emojis, and stickers that are available for use right now. But you can customize these to fit your look, religion or personality.

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  1. Mkbhd

    They are next going to bring followers to the just to make it interesting. The avatars will interesting 👌

  2. Firstborn

    Hi, have just checked this one. Firstly I can’t see the polls features or how to make polls…can someone walk me through this one. Secondly the community feature is cool but there are some key notes I have picked up: You can only crate a community for the groups you’re an admin. Also all participants in the groups you add into the community are not able to send messages, only admins of the community are allowed. Also you can share the community link for other people to join

    • Devil's Enemy

      😂😂 Hanzi “Crates” lol mukumhanyiswa here type makadzikama, makutotaura zvema crate ehwahwa or chingwa hamheno hahaha register to vote

      • Firstborn

        Tinenge takabaiwa 2-0😂

  3. Vakomana ve drip

    I wonder why Pindula ine news dzinonakidza kuverenga than Techzim

    • Jojo

      Coz Techzim is mostly about tech hence the name. Unlike pindula kunoiswa zvese zvese. most of the articles here have a tech element in them.

      • Anonymous

        but there is so much stuff going in the tech world yet somehow we get only 1 article per day.

        • wokenman

          Techzim is now an airtime business bro – the site only exists to feed people to the airtime and zesa shop – chete chete. They don’t chase up stories like they used to. They sit and wait till something falls into their lap and then see if they feel like typing that day.

    • Dido

      Techzim yapera guys

      • Alonso

        They don’t have data to do the research, data is expensive yet their site is zero rated.

    • Jojo

      I don’t think techzim actually makes that much money to be able to pay all the writers they have a decent living wage.
      If a hustle comes along that makes Leonard or Edwin make a bit of cash then anotombosiya techzim coz mhuri irikuda kudya. Most of you visit this site on your free time kana ne airtym yacho amhutenge to support but you want the writers to be ever busy nechinhu chisirikupa mari,if it was you andifunge maibvuma izvozvo
      So put yourselves in their shoes and appreciate what they are doing
      if you want to constantly updated with new articles everyday then i suggest techzim put a monthly subscription paywall kuti vaitewo mari i hope u agree

      Leonard feel better soon ndanzwa wakarohwa namadam waendakunoona Amara brown

      • Alonso

        @jojo a site makes money by the content they produce,if its good advertisers will flock in, who in their right mind will pay a sub to shity content ?

      • Anonymous

        most tech websites don’t have paywalls. they make money through advertising. Produce quality content and readers will come.

        • Alonso

          Exactly @ Anonymous

  4. @jojo

    Put your drink down you don’t know what you are talking about man, techzim yapera sa Ronaldo

  5. IOS Whatsapp unnecessarily has more features than the Android.

  6. The majority of tech websites lack paywalls. Through advertising, they generate revenue. Readers will come if you produce quality material.

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