E-creator was a scam from the very beginning and unfortunately, it managed to fool many of our comrades. I know that many will find it hard to sympathise with those that lost out, I understand that, but let’s try to.
Yesterday, we discussed how E-Creator’s statement on why they had delayed withdrawals was nonsense. Today, we have to talk about the company’s closure. E-Creator released a statement on their Facebook page, which reads:
This person’s name is Zhao Jiaotong, he is a Chinese, he is the founder of E-creator, and he is currently withdrawing money through the Ecocash agent in Harare, and he will transfer money to his personal Ecocash to ask someone to help him withdraw money or through The method of transferring funds to the Ecocash agent to defraud E-creator employees of funds, he tried to leave Zimbabwe tonight, carrying all the deposits of E-creator employees, due to his departure, E-creator was forced to close, I am very sorry, He has more than 1 million US dollars on him. If you find him at the airport or on the border road, you will get back the money you lost. Let us all find him and get back the money that belongs to us
I hope we all know not to take anything these E-creator guys say at face value. They have been lying from the get-go and trying to cover their tracks by using vague phrases and broken English.
What have we learnt from their statement? E-creator has shut down and they are very sorry about that. This is something we can believe, except for the being sorry part.
Zhao, the scapegoat
The rest of it is nonsense in my opinion. Now that they are shutting down, we find out about a Chinese founder who is single-handedly responsible for defrauding everyone. It’s too convenient. Almost as if it is made up.
I don’t believe Zhao exists. However, even if he does, the story given above does not make any sense.
If we consider the EcoCash story they are spinning, we are left scratching our heads. See, there are transaction limits when using EcoCash USD wallets. One can only send or withdraw a maximum of $500 per transaction and one can only have four such transactions per month. So, you cannot withdraw more than $2,000 per month.
The statement above says Zhao sent ‘company funds’ to his personal EcoCash account and then proceeded to withdraw it. Well, he could not withdraw more than $2,000 a month and so he would have needed over 41 years to withdraw a million dollars.
The statement says he also sent money to EcoCash agents so that they could withdraw on his behalf. The EcoCash transaction limits we talked about affect transfers too. You cannot send more than $2,000 a month.
You know what’s even crazier, you cannot hold more than $20,000 in your EcoCash wallet. This may change in the future but currently, you cannot. So, how could Zhao embezzle a million using EcoCash when it can’t? It’s all a web of lies coming from E-creator.
Luckily, we do have some names and faces. Justin Kuchekenya paraded himself as CEO and one Abraham Mutambu took on interviews selling the scam. These two can point us in the right direction. If it’s Zhao or someone else, they would know.
The evangelists have no shame
Whenever we talked to E-creator members, we ran into the ‘I know it’s a scam but I’ll come out with a profit’ gang. Now, we are all adults and if someone wants to join a pyramid then by all means, let them.
We would leave them be if it weren’t for the fact that they recruit other people to their scams. These people they recruit do not quite understand that the whole thing is built on a lie and so they pour in their life savings and lose out in the end.
So, right now, these early adopting evangelists are not even in mourning. They made tens of thousands before E-creator went belly-up.
We got a few screenshots of some conversations that happened in some E-creator groups and they are telling.
Guy 1: amana [guys] we are being roated on social media
😹😹its painful out there..
hope E-Creator is not gone.. i have a lot of people to prove wrongand theybaskin qsns like why is it that its possible to recharge but impossible to withdraw
Group admin/chief evangelist: Wangu [my friend] don’t spread panic your account may be blocked
Just be patient and wait for the 7th or 8th of July that is when the upgrad
Guy 1: i didn’t spread panic..i invested in E-Creator. thats why i said i have a lot of people to prove wrong.. don’t know how that could get my account blocked
Group admin/chief evangelist: Oky so hold your cool my bro 😎
Guy 1: okay you too bro..
you jus jumped into conclusion
A couple of hours later, E-creator releases the statement about Zhao fleeing with US$1m and Guy 1 shares it with the group.
Guy 1: Developers, how are you feeling 🤩
Group admin/chief evangelist: Kkk boys zvaendwa [It’s over]
Guy 2: Zhao atiza neBag [Zhao fled with the money]
Guy 1:😹😹🙌🏻..the silence in here is golden
Group admin/chief evangelist: Ha vanhu vashe tavhagwa 😅🤣 [We’ve been swindled]
Vanhu vakambodya zvavoo [At least people made a killing for a while]
Group ring mobhowa dai makajooner 2 months back makaita bag [You guys in this group are annoying, if you had joined 2 months ago, you would have made a lot of money]
Maida kuparidzirwa why why why he aahj ndaigaro kuudzai itai fast [You wanted to be preached to, I kept telling you to not to delay getting in]
Moda kujoiner zvawandwa ini I did my part I tried to warn u [Then you decide to join when the whole nationa has already joined…]
Imagine this level of gaslighting from the chief evangelist. Then comes the part that makes me even angrier.
Group admin/chief evangelist: Vanhu vashe exit [Good people exit]
So do you want us to exit or try new things
Ini I new from the start kuti chichavhara that why ndagara ndichuwithdrawer but we don’t always win in life [Personally, I knew this thing would crumble from the start, that’s why I regulalrly withdrew but we don’t always win in life]
[He shares a link to a different scheme, most likely another Ponzi/Pyramid’
Chimwe icho vanoda ini nditorimo tsvimbo hatidzori [Here’s another one for those that are interested, I’m already in it, we don’t let up]
Guy 1: chine commission shoma ichin😹😹 [This one offers a lower commission]
So, of course we have to dig into this other pyramid/Ponzi scheme that’s being pushed. It’s a game of whack-a-mole because there will always be stuff like this and the worse things get in the economy, the more people will fall for these schemes, hoping for a big pay day to alleviate all their problems.
The E-creator chapter has been closed, on we go to expose other schemes on the market. If you know of any shady/suspicious schemes out there, please do let us know in the comments section below. Let’s work together to expose these scams.
Also read:
The E-creator statement on delayed withdrawals doesn’t make any sense
E-creator will make some people money before it folds, shattering many – classic Ponzi scheme
E-creator – this criminal enterprise is running a scam, stay away
Kudo’s to you Leo. You called it from day 1 and have been very consistent in trying to educate people. Much Respect to you sir!
Unfortunately, the Zim environment makes people ripe for exploitation by these kind of schemes. It’s only a matter of time before another one starts “flourishing”
The thing is everyone who entered in this new right away that it was going to close one day . So twe don’t want to hear anyone crying foul of any person . As for for me muy friend paid $15 forme to start start and I withdrewas much as $150 , but I knew that one day this thing will vanish into thin air . You will be a fool to think that it will stay forever . Goodbye E creator .
There’s one also (xpresscoin)
People don’t understand what investments are and how they operate.
There is another one called engie energy be careful
There’s another one called engie , also Chinese owned…at 1st t ws $10 now claim to run a promotion n pple hv to pay 50 , 100 ,150 someone z Gona cry kkk
Scammers are watching and will soon try to replicate this [successful] scam , be on the watch. Remember Warren Buffets advice, if you donot understand it do not invest.Simple.
Yeah we know that it was a scam, but to be truthful this scam yakupai content, techzim, mamapererwa ne content
😂😂 zvaita seiko
LOL, are you seriously trying to roast TZ for covering a (likely through confirmed) scam? 😂 sometimes its better to just take the L quietly and move on!
Kkkkkkk asi Zhao akenda Beijing nemari yako
I could have been a victim but my conscience was very clear. I refused to be enticed into it by someone who is very close to me. My challenge now is how do I tell kuti ndakambokuudzai kuti zvinhu izvi ndezve fake because I have to do so. 😂😂😂😂
😂 you don’t have to tell them futi handiti you did here nhy. You played your roll, now show you care about them
There is no way an individual can successfully swindle the whole nation without the back-up of the government. It sounds fun but thats honest. Zanu-PF is written all over this scam. From Cashbeth Dube (PSMAS Scandal) to land barons (housing cooperatives). It’s unfortunate they need the money for elections.
I totally agree
I just find it odd that RBZ and FIU have been quiet all this time. Vanhu varikuswera mumahofisi vakadzvokora rate yeRTGS bedzi.
And why yakabuda pa zbc tv vachisimbisa the scam
@Techzim you are the best.I am one of the victims however, I managed kuwana mari yandakanga ndakaisa yese though I didnt enjoy much profit but truly speaking many are crying. I wish you guys also have the opportunities to warn the public on ZBC and other popular radio stations. There is this other thing inonzi Engie energy they seem to be same group with e creator
I honestly don’t think people will try Engie, it’s way too early.
Honestly kkkk Isaac vanhu vemu Zim ukuvaziva hre unowana yazarirwa engie vanhu vachida kitryer kurecover, uchandiudza, vamwe vedu havadzidze hameno vakaita cy.
Mjolo ukange nani 😂
Engie energy do an article about that Ponzi and save the masses
We have been waiting for this moment for a while, this calls for a celebration 🥳🎉😆
Parikutomboda kaparty for celebrating this moment coz mmm🎊🎊🎊🪔
Pachishona tinoti chisangaperi chinoshura or shiri inozongofa yes it’s true, Zhao atoenda newin kaaa vanhu takatarisa 🤣🤣🤣
Pple should learn how to invest. Its shocking that in this age People don’t even know true investments from fake ones. Kkkkk aaa. Better to invest your hard earned cash on buying shares on public lististed companies. I would rather invest my money kutenga ma shares e Simbisa brands.
That’s true coz ungati munhu anomuka achitenga ma adverts,anotenga ma adverts iwayo muZim ndiani,amagine kuti pasina effort yakuisa Mari yongopinda daily mmmm vanhu ngavaite serious
😂😂😂😂 Vane mashave vanhu kunze uku
True, but there’s very little information on this. If someone can write an article that’d help.
Elon musk is a multiple billionaire but izvezvi arikuda kutochera platinum,iwe wongomuka Mari ichipinda yausina kumboshanda iiiiiii yaaaah e-creator kaaaa 🤣🤣🤣🎊
Elon musk arikuda kutochera platinum muno
This is a lie I have pictures of Justin he must be sued I’m also hurt with my money
I salute you leanard
You are a hero we need
Not the hero we deserve
Ppl are happy to have conned the next person and even boasting about it
They actively duped ppl into a scam
We have reaching new lows
Kwanzi Zhao has been found 🤣
Kkkkkkkkkk 🤣🤣🤣 watanga I sure hre
Evangelists are some of the worst, especially the religious lot! They rake it in and leave lots of people penniless in their wake. Hope this bloke’s caught and locked up for life, and some of the loot can be recovered.
Taiva udza vanhu ava , kutukwa kwataiitwa so , heheheh vachachema neni chete , I simply can’t resist saying I told you so ..
Anyway Rega ndimbojambira ka Engie train aka zvinenge zvinoda early early zvinhu zvacho , ndakazvitaura Ini , economic rot iyi ichamutsa zvakawanda , Muchati mojoiner Only Fans henyu.
Batai munhu !
Next time don’t allow anything like this guys because this is so painful.money is difficult to get yet someone can collect it easily from others like this.
We all learn from mistakes. I remember my close friend advising me against investing in MMM but I insisted. I will never join these Ponzi schemes again !
Feel sorry for Zhao, his name has been plastered all over the internet when he clearly has no link with this scam.
Really? I guess looking into that would make for an interesting follow up coz it does feel a little too convenient that whoever is running their comms sent everyone on a goose chase to the airport while positioning themselves as a fellow victim. Hope someone was watching the office😂
Genesis 3v19 not kutsvaga kuwana mari makarara musina kumbodikitira.
Good peace Mr leo
E-creator 🤣🤣🤣 no no no, God is the only creator.
God is the only creator kkkkkkkk
E rest is rubbish
Hahahaha isu vekuvharwa ziiii kuno ku corner.but this is as good as gambling,sometimes you lose …anyway people get back to work mojoiner chimwe futi kana musati maneta kupa tumachaina mari dzenyu
They started laughing at us traders now look 🤣
It’s so unfortunate how the human race yearns for the easy come easy go i.e get rich quick schemes. The only legit internet money is in forex trading, binary trading, indices, stocks and cryptocurrencies. Now that’s no child’s play coz you gotta know what you are doing in the market. The markets need thorough reseach, proper analysis, studying (candle sticks, leverage, lot size etc), money management and patience but…Iol..I know all this is non appealing to a greedy, lazy and basic individual so scam away scammers!
f v c k o f f you are another scammer
Kkkk haaa yaas…Nothing comes while you’re sleeping. Guys lets work. Kkkkk he is called Zhao Zhao
Stupid E creator shame on you u scumbag
MaZimba aripa tight some months back some were victims on being sold billy’s goods cement deals
Moreva kt E-creator ichashanda ft hr iyi
Zvaendwa zvaendwa 😭😭😭
Haaa zvatodhakwa
It is a lesson for us
Umwe aka udzwa hondo ne murwere wefungwa vaka mushora kwanzi ano rwarwa uyo…
🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭 true ipapo
These admin who pursued people to join this scam know well they need to be investigated well they will speak the truth
This bunch of swindlers somehow decided to jump on the bandwagom of “let’s blame china” to shift blame.
What is the legal root we take against those Zimbabweans who where on the fore front maybe that Chinese never existed
We are in pain because of E Creator and may God comfort us
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May God comfort you never join Ponzi scheme again
The good thing about it is that I follewd the advise I got from sengere here and I didn’t join