Local internet service provider ZOL has just released a statement announcing the peering arrangement between its parent company, Liquid Telecom, and Netflix the VOD service.
Under this arrangement Liquid Telecom has direct connection to Netflix’s network. It’s a strategy that increases the speed of access to content as well as the efficiency of distributing it to users on the network.
When Netflix subscribers on a ZOL connection are streaming they won’t have to go through a third party as the content is directly available on their local network. Content is accessed from Netflix straight to the subscriber.
According to ZOL, Liquid Telecom is the only provider that is offering support to Netflix through peering. For ZOL this will provide a point of difference with other fibre services as it can stake claim to faster access in the absence of middlemen and bottlenecks.
ZOL has also extended this to its public WiFi services, the ZOLspots which offer fibre connection. Netflix subscribers will also experience the same benefits even if they use ZOLSpot internet.
The announcement also indicates a strategy from Liquid Telecom to ensure cost advantages especially since the Liquid Telecom terrestrial fibre footprint is the largest on the continent. A large number of African countries where Netflix has just opened up its service will have Liquid telecom fibre as the most accessible fibre service.
There’s also a hint of admission of the huge impact anticipated from Netflix’s move into Africa, something that becomes all the more remarkable considering that Liquid telecom is also pushing its own VOD service, ipidi TV.
Point of correction Peering doesn’t put the content on the local network, it just purely makes available a direct connection which doesn’t have middlemen in between which usually reduces latency and increases speeds
Its just a promise!
Reality is that Zol network is build on consumer grade infrastructure yet users on their network qualifies them to be a Service Provider!
It will all be tears! Do not get excited with this Zol announcement to the extend of opening your wallet
*is built on…
*to the extent of….
I have no idea what medication you’re on.
IT medication l guess
What is the limit on sata i can consume somehow they always get shifty when i ask. For example with umax i know where istand but most isps just end up shaping yo connection to frustuating levels.
Can zol really handle it ulta hd is 7gb peer hour and hd abt 2-3 so zol should get honest abt data caps in ‘unlimited’ packages
Doesn’t liquid sell to a lot of other ISPs as well, so they too will get the benefit?