Parents, Worry Not. EMAP Is Coming Back Online On The  5th Of November  And You Can Apply For Your Child’s Boarding School

Parents, Worry Not. EMAP Is Coming Back Online On The 5th Of November And You Can Apply For Your Child’s Boarding School

So we’ve been getting a lot of enquiries regarding the Ministry of Education’s platform to apply for school places online. A lot of people are worried about whether or not that platform is still alive. If you are a parent I’m here to hold your hand and tell you not to worry. eMAP will be back online on Monday the 5th of November and it will be operational until the 21st of December.

For those who are not in-the-know, eMAP is an online platform that allows you to apply for a form one place in Zimbabwe. The platform is meant to make the application process much easier and to remove limitations such as geography. The platform is also meant to remove corruption by limiting direct interaction between parents and the administration.

Apparently, there has been a message circulating on WhatsApp stating that eMAP is no longer functional and in our communications with the Ministry of Education  they let us know that the message was not coming from them and there was no truth to it.

Right now if you try to access the eMAP website to apply for a form one place, you’ll get an error message but the Ministry informed us that the site was down because they were working on some things and come Monday the site will be functional again.


  1. Observer

    My son applied but only got response from one very expensive school. The rest never bothered to respond till today, I wonder why. It could still be the same reason why it was created in the first place. He ended up getting a place at a not so good school because of that.

  2. EMAP

    They,”MINISTRY OF EDUCATION”should also make it user friendly such that if u forget your password u r able to reset it on your own

  3. Anonymous

    The online system would have been good if the website was accessible all the time. sometimes it’s available but it can also be blocked and one spends the whole blessed day looking for the website. If you announce the availability of the website then do not confuse those who want to make their applications please.

  4. Thank you for the update. Kindly educate us on the steps to follow when accessing this vital website. We are told via social media, of course, that the EMAP website becomes available when the results are out because it requires one to use information from the result slip such as candidate and centre nos etc. So are the results around the corner?

  5. Anonymous

    On what basis will the chosen school select the student?

  6. Anonymous

    Thank you for the update. I could concentrate kn my work checking on the website nkw and then after seing a social media message yesterday. Its good to have an official position. I hope tbe system will be efficient and not frustrate parents when its finally live.

    • Farai Mudzingwa

      You’re welcome.

      • Richard Gwiriri

        I m in Byo . Is it possible tobget a place in the Midlands or l will be ristricted to Byo schools only?

        • Farai Mudzingwa

          Hi Richard, there are no restrictions

  7. mai joe

    thanks for the update… hopefully tomorrow it will indeed be up and running because it has been a tad bit time consuming trying to access the webpage then end up getting an error message

  8. Tongai

    this was a good move provided; we have the capacity to offer quality Internet and reliable website , however it then becomes a problem when the same technology is taking you mich more time than going to 3 different schools physically

  9. memory

    today is the 5th and how come there is still nothing

  10. Anonymous

    will it ever work? have been on it since 0500hrs.

  11. Anonymous

    Boring…it ain’t working

  12. Anonymous

    It doesn’t work

  13. Anonymous

    It doesn’t work why

  14. Anonymous

    The system is not yet doing so how are we supposed to apply

  15. Anonymous

    Is it working now? Any luck?
    Mine z saying you have entered incorrect information bt I entered everything correct

  16. Joseph Muchena

    Trying without success since dawn!

  17. Anonymous

    its still not accepting. Eish

  18. Malcolm T

    It ain’t work since morning

  19. Psyfo

    its now working people. Apply now

  20. Anonymous

    Its still saying your details could not match

  21. Tendai M

    I tried but it is saying that the details could not match signing up but the center number and candidate number are correct

  22. Freddy

    I can confirm that it’s now working. Quick question for me:How many schools can you apply for through the emap platform?

  23. Anonymous

    Freddy how did yu enter your centre number and candidate number? Mine s sayin its not matching

  24. Anonymous

    hallo where do i click to apply

  25. How many schools can you apply to. After 2 schools yesterday it said limit exceeded. Also today I tried logging in and it said you do not have an account please sign up. When I tried to resign up it then says details are already in use. Anyone help me pliz

  26. Tapsfox

    It has not responded since 5 November it does not work eish boring

  27. Tapsfox

    I have applied but all to some schools but none of the schools have replied help me

  28. Tapsfox

    Can you cancel the schools you have applied to

  29. Anonymous

    Mine is saying your details could not match, please ensure the information you entered is correct……but everything is correct please help

  30. BabaTee

    Guys what kind of website is this, no one responds to you when you need help. Is there a number we could call for queries

  31. Epiphania

    the application is jus superb using google chrome

  32. Hakunavanhu

    The move was good but it’s not user friendly.i want to appli for 5scholls and after 2 schooks it said I have exceeded the number of schools then it’s two days it’s still pending there no response yet and it frustrates

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