Local Startup Incubator Launching Crypto-School

Local Startup Incubator Launching Crypto-School

A local Incubator by the name SUNFund (Start-Up Nation) has announced that they will be launching a crypto school in Harare in the near future. In a press release they sent us they announced this new school that has already begun enrollment and will be starting out their classes in a weeks time on the 25th of this month:

According to international cryptocurrency marketplace, Paxful, African cryptocurrency users are more likely to be male, under 30 years old, a graduate or studying toward a tertiary qualification. African consumers account for over R500 million transactions per month on the platform. This is setting the pulse for cryptocurrency and showing that the market is shifting with technology and SUNFund has dug its anchor in this change, to reinvent finance. The ‘Generation Z’ market demographic are tapping into crypto and see this as their future of finance.

We as SUNFund Africa have launched Crypto-School in partnership with City Study Centre, with our vision being to create a new employment avenue for Zimbabwe and the next generation through this revolutionary technology.

Classes start on March 25, 2019 with limited places still available. Graduates of this course will be employed by SUNFund Africa as well-remunerated Cryptocurrency Traders, filling the vacancies that we currently have.

First of it’s kind?

Well, crypto diplomas/certification courses are not an entirely new thing. I’ve seen a number of online learning platforms like Shaw Academy and Udemy embrace the subject and offer the diplomas on their platform. Ivy League University, Princeton also offers a course on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies on Coursera. Duke University and New York University also have similar programs.

From our communication with SUNFund, they explained that their diplomas are specifically recognized by their organisation and graduates from this program will start working for SUNFund after they’ve taken the crypto-course. In fact, SUNFund’s promotional material states that the job is guaranteed.

I found that particularly interesting and that prompted me to ask SUNFund Africa how many people they intend to enrol and they informed that they will be enrolling 35 students during this first phase. SUNFund says the students who complete the course will get to work as cryptocurrency traders after they complete their certificate.

A colleague of mine who I asked for some insight when looking at this whole proposition asked me a simple but pertinent question; why not just recruit people and train them instead of having them pay you to learn and then give them jobs afterwards. I directed the question to SUNFund and they explained to me why they opted for the school method over recruitment.

The SUNFund rep I spoke to made it clear that the organisation felt that this was the best way to “weed out” enthusiasts from chancers. They noted that if it was free for all, everyone would take a chance and then drop out whenever they feel like it but because it is paid “only those who have a deep desire to pursue cryptocurrencies and see it as the Future of Finance that will apply and stay the full course.” I kind of understand the logic behind this but I’m also not entirely convinced that SUNFund could not have made a test of sorts that can assess the levels of the people they would go on to train but since the scale of the project seems fairly large it seems potential trainees would have

Where do you enrol?

If this offer interests you and you’ve been considering learning the in’s and out’s of crypto trading you can contact SUNFund on 0719011755. The course will come at a cost of course. There’s a $15 enrollment fee and then a $150 course fee which brings the total to $165. The course itself will cover the following topics;

  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Exchanges
  • Trading
  • Mentorship

Like anything else that you’re going to commit your money to, attending this school will need you to do some research as to what exactly you will walk away with. Another good idea will be to know whether or not there’s a contract of sort defining which students will get the guaranteed jobs after they’ve completed the course and whether there are certain terms and conditions you will have to meet to actually get the jobs afterwards.