Econet data bundle prices increase by about 60%

Valentine Muhamba Avatar
Econet, Econet data bundles,Econet data bundles prices

Econet data bundle prices have been increased to match the prices set by the other mobile network operators. For whatever reason Econet lagged behind the other two (NetOne and Telecel) but this increase puts Econet in and around the same prices as the other two.

New Econet data bundle prices are as follows:

Daily data bundle

Data Allocation New Price (ZWL$)Old Price (ZWL$)
20 MB13.008.00
40 MB26.0016.00
80 MB51.0032.00
150 MB93.0058.00
250 MB152.0095.00
600 MB240.00150.00
1200 MB360.00225.00

Weekly data Bundle

Data AllocationNew Price (ZWL$)Old Price (ZWL$)
20 MB13.008.00
60 MB38.0024.00
160 MB101.0063.00
250 MB156.0098.00
370 MB192.00120.00

Monthly data bundles

Data Allocation New Price (ZWL$)Old Price (ZWL$)
100 MB67.0042.00
270 MB180.00113.00
500 MB320.00200.00
700 MB424.00265.00
1 400 MB800.00500.00

Social media bundles

Daily Bundles

DataPackage New Price (ZWL$)Old Price (ZWL$)
4MBWhatsApp and Pinterest3.002.00
12MBWhatsApp and Pinterest8.005.00
20MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai13.008.00
20MBFacebook, Snapchat and Sasai13.008.00
20MBInstagram and Sasai10.006.00
20MBTwitter, LinkedIn and Sasai10.006.00
45MBInstagram and Sasai22.0014.00
45MBTwitter, LinkedIn and Sasai22.0014.00
45MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai29.0018.00
45MBFacebook,SnapChat and Sasai29.0018.00

Weekly Bundles

DataPackageNew Price (ZWL$)Old Price (ZWL$)
65MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai41.0026.00
140MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai84.0053.00
140MBFacebook, SnapChat and Sasai84.0053.00
140MBInstagram and Sasai60.0038.00
140MBTwitter, LinkedIn and Sasai60.0038.00

Monthly Bundles

DataPackageNew Price (ZWL$)Old Price (ZWL$)
240MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai139.0087.00
400MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai228.00143.00
400MBFacebook, SnapChat and Sasai228.00143.00
400MBInstagram and Sasai156.0098.00
400MBTwitter, LinkedIn and Sasai156.0098.00

Private Wi-Fi Bundles

DataNew Price (ZWL$)Old Price (ZWL$)
15GB1 520.00$950
25GB2 400.00$1 500
50GB3 520.00$2 200

Things to note

  • Sasai bundle prices seemed to be unaffected by this price change. It is still ZWL$2.00 for 20MB for a Sasai.
  • Econet seems to have removed the hourly bundle offering which was implemented last month.
  • Econet has also not increased the prices for SMS bundles.
  • Bundles of Joy have also been unaffected by the price hike.

Bundles Of Joy (unchanged)

BundleMinutesPrice (ZWL$)Price (USD$)

Sasai Bundles (unchanged)

Data AllocationPrice (ZWL$)
Daily 20 MB2.00
Daily 45 MB5.00
Weekly 65 MB6.00
Weekly 140 MB14.00
Monthly 220 MB25.00
Monthly 450 MB35.00

SMS Bundles

Package Price (ZWL$)
Daily 5 SMS1.25
Daily 10 SMS2.50
Daily 25 SMS6.25
Daily 35 SMS8.75
Weekly 75 SMS12.00
Weekly 125 SMS20.00
Weekly 200 SMS32.00
Weekly 300 SMS48.00


  1. Bvuma

    Ummm this is too much

  2. amina

    Its better, when they align its much better. We know the cause of these price increases. Nyika iyii haaaaayaaa. Pakaipa guys. I heard that Millers are also battling with the Gvt to increase their prices & the Gvt is refusing. Worse still bakers.

  3. earnest

    800%+ inflation ummmmm

  4. Anonymous


  5. Trevor

    This is robbery guys