NMB Connect Online, visa, zero-rated, NMB Bank access debit cards

NMB is phasing out its old Access Debit Card at the end of the year

NMB Bank has announced that it will be phasing out its old NMB Access Debit cards at the end of the year. The switch is meant to usher in the use of Chip and Pin Cards only from 2022 onwards.


Dear Valued Client, We advise that we will be phasing out the old NMB Access Debit Cards effective 31 December 2021, following the successful introduction of the Chip and PIN Debit Cards.

The new Chip and PIN Cards have the following benefits:

• EMV chip technology to protect from card cloning

• Additional layer of security to guard against card skimming

• Embedded microchip, encrypting stored client account information

• Convenience and increased access across POS payments nationwide

• Secure banking with PIN authorization for all transactions

Kindly visit your nearest NMB Bank Branch for an instant replacement before 31 December 2021. Our Contact Centre remains available to assist you on the following channels:

24 Hr Contact centre:

086 8800 3348

086 7700 8654

0712 616 100/ 1

0772 244 788

0719 526 98-7

Email: enquiries@nmbz.co.zw

WhatsApp: 0775 710000

NMB on Twitter

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