What you need to know to liquidate EcoCash Agent account

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As we reported earlier EcoCash Agent funds that haven’t been liquidated are now subject to the 2% Tax. For any company or individual that hasn’t yet started the process, here are some of the things you’ll need to know and have to liquidate funds in your EcoCash Agent account.

In a report by The Chronicle, sole trader and companies with amounts up to ZWL$50 000 will have to fill out liquidation forms as well as show proof of bank accounts. EcoCash also said that for amounts ranging ZWL$50 000 and above in the case of a sole trader, the agent is required to provide proof of funding. If it is a company that has amounts ranging ZWL$50 000 and above they will need to provide their source of funding as well as bank statements that go back three months.

Transactions that are above ZWL$100 000 are subject to the RBZ’s FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit) approval. All documents given in the liquidation process will have to be certified by the police.

Like with transactions above ZWL$100 000, any sums in accounts that are above that 100K will also be subject to the FIU’s approval.

You should also read Banned EcoCash Agents lines will be subject to the 2% Tax