Econet Schedules Network Upgrade, Subscribers Might Be Affected

Econet Schedules Network Upgrade, Subscribers Might Be Affected

Econet has been sending messages to subscribers notifying them of a network upgrade that will be starting later on today. The message being sent to customers reads;

Dear Customer: Please be advised of a network upgrade from 2300hrs today to 0700 hrs, 3 Feb 2019. Any inconvenience this may cause on service quality is regretted.

This comes as no surprise as such system upgrades and service maintenance work is to be expected from time to time. Hopefully, there’ll be no disruptions and the service is working perfectly fine, once the upgrades are complete.

Also read, The Facebook By SMS Service From Econet Could Help At Time Like This But It’s Giving A Weird Final Step


  1. Anonymous

    I have always wondered what these system upgrades consist of? Internet is so overloaded it has always been a challenge. So it can’t be to improve this area as you need more Base stations and with the situation we have been in since 2013 can’t see that side improving.

  2. Kenneth

    Have the service for VCN been restored. I want to open a VCN but am not seemingly succeeding, the service is down

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