
Kadoma-based startup adds its name to the growing online marketplace scene

ZimCon is a Kadoma-based startup that, like many others, we have covered before, is breaking the myth that everything happens in Harare. The company recently launched an online marketplace that’s similar to how people do business on Craigslist.

The main motivation behind the creation of ZimCon’s online marketplace is to broaden the customer bases of those who traditionally display their products and services on WhatsApp. This isn’t to say that ZimCon will replace WhatsApp marketplaces, what the creators of the platform are looking to do is expand the digital footprint of local businesses.

Earlier on I mentioned that the marketplace is similar to US marketplace Craigslist, well that’s because, at the moment, a transaction is completed in person. So, essentially if you are going to make a purchase on ZimCon, you’ll have to physically meet the seller to complete the transaction.

From the website, it looks like there is a wide array of things you can list from food all the way to hardware and clothing. And if you are a seller you need to set up an account which is much the same as signing for any other online service or social media account. On top of the website, ZimCon also has a mobile application available for Android users which works much in the same way as the web page.

ZimCon is still in its very early stages, but it is encouraging to see that more and more Zimbabweans are seeing the need to prop up the informal sector online.

You can check out ZimCon for yourself with the link here.

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  1. Zulue

    Wow l Zimbabwe is on the verge of digitalization l also came across this Zim site lve totally never seen a morden website like it…..you can see for yourself http://www.onlinemusika.co.zw probably the best Zim site ever…

  2. Anonymous

    I want to sell a phone

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