PowerTel Fibre Network Map

PowerTel makes $20.2m revenue in 2012, targets consumer market

PowerTel in 2012 made a total US $20.2 million in revenue, a change from $16.4 million the previous year. The company’s profit before tax rose significantly by about 620% from $428,000 in 2011 to 3.1 million in 2012. The improved results, Chirimuuta said, are a result of a deliberate turn around that the company embarked on at the beginning on 2012.
Keep Calm and Carry On

The exaggerated global internet slowdown story

With the internet traffic slowdown on the continent due to the cable breaks, it's tempting to believe reports by the BBC and others that the whole global internet is actually under some huge stress right now; that caused by some an internet fight between an anti-spam organisation and a hosting company in Netherlands.
Ecocash MasterCard, Master Card

Econet introduces EcoCash Debit Card, a mobile phone to POS payment solution

Earlier in the day we learnt and posted that Econet would launching a mobile phone to POS payment solution tonight. We're just from the event, and most of the information we had is what was announced tonight. The company is introducing its own POS terminals to accept payments from EcoCash mobile wallets. The products is called EcoCash Debit Card.
Culture Shift Zimbabwe team

Startup lessons from Culture Shift Zimbabwe

I've been meaning to post this since the Culture Shift Zimbabwe hacking event a few weeks ago. It’s a lessons learnt post to just note the things that tech entrepreneurs, developers and other such tech people should not keep in mind when coming up with new solutions.

ProvLabs launches Zim provisional driving license application

A local start-up called Provlabs has developed a solution that enables individuals looking to get a Zimbabwean learner’s drivers license to practice for the test on their PCs. The application, which we had an opportunity to check out, is a test simulator with over 650 questions, 300 diagram questions and time limit controls in much the same way the learners would have at the real test.
Ministry of Mines and Mining Development website

Government website hacked

Yesterday, we noticed that a government website, www.mines.gov.zw, was hacked. The website belongs to the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development. It was designed and is hosted by the Government Internet Service Provider (GISP) so we sent them an email notifying them just in case they don't know it yet.

Econet reduces mobile broadband prices by as much as 73%

We just got news that Econet has reduced tariffs on its mobile broadband service. The reduction will likely be announced in the coming days but we’re told it’s effective already. From what we can see the reduction is by at least 33% and as much 73%.
Early reviews and verdicts on the Samsung Galaxy S4

Early reviews and verdicts on the Samsung Galaxy S4

As you may already know, Samsung yesterday launched the latest iteration of its Galaxy S flagship line of smartphones, the Galaxy S4. The launch was made in New York, and as happens soon after such events, the tech blogs globally are teaming news, first impressions, early reviews and verdicts on what may be one of the most loved phones in the next several months.
Econet Solar COO, Dorothy Zimuto

Econet introduces new solar power products

Yesterday we attended the launch by Econet of a new solar charger/lantern/radio combo product called the Power Lantern SW015. The product is an improvement of the lantern that was on the market which, according to Econet Services CEO, Darlington Mandivenga, the company sold 400,000 of.

Zimbabwe raises telecoms licence fees, migrates to converged licencing

The Herald reports today that the Government of Zimbabwe has raised the operating license fees for mobile network and fixed telephone operators from the current US $100 million to $180 million. The change comes as Econet Wireless and Telecel Zimbabwe prepare to renew their operating licenses in June this year.
Stephen Cohen

Sage Pastel cloud offering launch, the product’s details

Yesterday we attended a press briefing where and Pastel (Both the local distributor, Chips, and South Africa) and Utande announced the launch of Sage Pastel My Business. The actual launch is today so yesterday was dedicated purely to showing journos why the new accounting in the cloud, is a big deal.